Understanding Tenant and Landlord Rights and Responsibilities

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As a tenant and as a property owner, you both have rights and responsibilities that is included in a tenancy agreement. In order to avoid any misunderstandings and problems it is very important that you both understand the rules of renting a home/apartment and the rules to allow someone to rent you home/apartment. Ordinarily, when an individual pays someone to live on their property, they become a tenant at which time they are protected by a law that is governed in their state.
As a property-owner, you have certain responsibilities, which are derived from property rental laws as well as from any arrangement whether it was written or verbal amongst the two parties. As with any type of business, there are going to be disputes of some kind. It will mainly be on the tenant’s behalf, they are not happy with something in the property. In turn they get upset with the landlord and says it is their fault. Typically these disputes can be handled amongst the two parties. Every now and again you will come across some that were just not able to dissolve the situation so they had to take it to court. They followed the legal proceedings which they are entitled to.
In the case of Larry (landlord) and Roger (renter), if I were the mediator I would first go over the rights and responsivities of both the tenant and the property-owner. These are things that they …show more content…

As stated above, if he wishes to vacate the property, legally he needs to give Larry a 30 day notice. This gives Larry time to check and see if there are any repairs that need to be made before Roger leaves. It also gives him time to get someone else lined up to move in if he wishes. If Roger has always paid his rent on time and there are no repairs that need to be done before he vacates, then Larry has to return his deposit to him. That is of course if he gave a deposit.
Decide whether or not the landlord and/or the tenant had a legal duty to mitigate

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