Very little research has been done on this topic, UV lighting has been known to help mould, but very few test have been done on it. Especially on food moulding, UV lighting has been said to help prevent moulding on objects and things like damp area. Ours will most lightly be one of the first of its kind.
Mould is a problem that is or has been experienced by almost every person, especially those living in damp conditions. It can cause several health issues as well as allergic reactions.
Research done on this
In America, germinal UV lighting has been utilized in public buildings to stop germs growing.
Within the view of an industrial hygienist with an EFI, Mary Biagotti talks more about the science behind how the Ultraviolet lights work. There are many different light waves, and those that are in the ‘C’ category are known as UV-C lights. It is true that UV lights help with bacteria and germs. It has been found that UV lights are starting to be used in air conditioning machines. They work best when they are placed near something called the A/C coil. Basically, how it works is that the air passes over this coil, the air dries out in a way, and the moisture that is lost drips into a pan. This little area used to create lots of mould, as it is known that mould forms from damp areas.
Very often UV lights are used in hospitals, and although UV lights kill germs, they apparently don’t kill mould spores. Unless it is in the UV lights range for a very long time. The power of the UV light also can affect how easily it kills spores and mould all together. UV-C lights are relatively safe, but no one has tested how they affect food.
It was, however, said that UV lighting isn’t the most effective way of killing mould. Someone who had done further research into the topic had found that although UV does work, it depends on the type of mould, if the mould is in the rays long enough to work, and not too long that it will infect start to damage the food itself.
The mould itself
Mould is basically a living organism that helps break down matter in the natural environment, things like dead plant and animal matter fall into this. Mould usually isn’t a huge issue, unless they grow on a wet surface, if this does happen it can end up causing huge health issues.
Mold is a member of the fungi family. Since mold is part of the fungi family, it cannot use the sun to obtain energy. This means that mold has to use other plants or animals to grow. Even though they cannot see them, there are millions of mold spores in the air. These spores settle down and start to multiply which can be done rapidly or slowly as long as it has a food source. Mold usually grows best in warm environments, but it can still grow in cold environments also. Mold can cause illness such as vomiting or feeling nauseated when it is eaten or when it smells bad.
Levine, Jody A., MD, Michael Sorace, MD, James Spencer, MD, and Daniel M. Siegel, MD. "The Indoor UV Tanning Industry: A Review of Skin Cancer Risk, Health Benefit Claims, and Regulation." Special Article 53.6 (2010): 1038-043. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.
United States Enviromental Protection Agency. (2010, September 30). Retrieved January 13, 2011, from Mold and Moisture:
There are different method options a surgeon can use to a sterilizing surgical instrument and they’re streamed sterilization, Ethylene oxide, Hydrogen Peroxide Gas Plasma, Autoclaving, and Biological indicators. The first one is steam sterilization is very effective to kill off microorganism and also killing endospore by exposing the instrument to a high temperature of heat that caused under pressure causing stream that will automatically destroy any trace of microorganism. No living microorganism can survive at the temperature of 250 Fahrenheit that why important to place the appropriate temperature to kill off all microorganisms. The second method a surgeon can you for sterilization is called Ethylene oxide most commonly known as ETO is a neutral gas used for sterilizing the surgical instrument has the ability to kill off any living microorganism, however, its potential danger to patients and staff member because this gas has the potential to flammable result in an exposure . This type of glass must be kept in explosion proof chamber in a monitor environment, this gas is very harmful that 's why you must be trained in handling this ETO gas safety. There is a safer sterilization method to use beside Ethylene oxide, it’s called Low-Temperature Hydrogen Peroxide Plasma because it’s un-toxins and safe for patient and
Ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation is a type of ultraviolet (means ‘beyond violet’) radiation that forms a part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Its primary natural source is the sun, but could also be emitted by artificial sources such as UVB lights, excimer lasers and fluorescents. Most UVB produced by sunlight is absorbed by oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere and forms the ozone layer of lower stratosphere. When the amount of ozone in the ozone layer is reduced, more UVB radiation reaches the surface of earth and can cause damaging effects to human health such as skin and eye, nevertheless UVB could also beneficial in some ways when it comes to produce vitamin D and used in medical devices.
UV radiation causes significant damage to human skin, in the form of sunburns, aging, skin cancer, and nonmelanoma tumors. Human skin damage is primarily a result of tanning. The
Many people strive to have beautiful, flawless, and tanned skin. In order to get that desired even bronzed glow year round, many people partake in the use of tanning beds, and tanning salons in communities throughout the country. Over the years, indoor tanning use has increasingly become more and more popular among adolescents and young adults. Tanning beds are equipped with special lightbulbs that emit ultraviolet, or UV, rays. These UV rays much like exposure to the sun, can harm the various layers of the skin. In a recent observation, it has been discovered that tanning beds cause what can be potentially severe health problems. Indoor tanning is dangerous because of the increased risk of multiple health problems, not the least of which is
Inadequate lighting contributes to a high number of accidents each year. Accidents are higher in areas where the lighting is inadequate like a factory or plant. Poor lighting can also lead to many physical ailments, such as eye strain, headaches, bad mood, poor concentration, dissatisfaction, and absenteeism (Schultz & Schultz, 2016). Working under the wrong type of lighting can slow productivity and lead to more accidents. Employers need to take the initiative to have the lighting checked and changed on a monthly basis to ensure employee safety.
In this exercise, Penicillium was utilized, a common, safe, mold. Certain species of Penicillium will spoil fruits, vegetables, grains, and grasses. Other species will ripen various chesses. Still, other species are used in the production of antibiotics. The species of Penicillium, italicum is provided for the lab because of its pronounced hyphae. Penicillium italicum, along with Penicillium digitatum attack citrus fruits post-harvest. In this experiment, the effect of Penicillium italicum on two types of citrus fruits and one non-citrus fruits were tested.
Limitations of Experimental Design- My experimental design helped answer the original question adequately. Since the syringes were small, wrapping them in colored film was relatively simple and took little time to do. Using colored film was also more effective than using colored bulbs, the original plan. Colored bulbs would have ...
...cations. Many people will find that amount of sunlight they receive has little or no impact on the state of their psoriasis, but in the cases where the light therapy has worked, it seems to reduce the appearance of the lesions greatly. Obviously, the risk of the UV light therapy is the possible threat of skin cancer.
There is inadequate research/information on molds and how they are affected by acids. There is not sufficient information on the elimination or prevention of molds on household and grocery items. To test possible solutions, the growth of mold will be examined using different acids to help keep the mold at a low quantity. Two different substances, one with a high acidity and one with a low acidity, will be used along with water as our “mold repellants”. At the conclusion of each trial, each acid’s ability to prevent mold growth will be documented. Conducting this experiment will benefit the scientific world because it researches a problem that has not been thoroughly solved. Perhaps a way to prevent mold from growing can be developed with further study. This experiment will serve as a beginning to what could possibly become a great discovery. The results of this experiment will be beneficial to scientists and could possibly serve as a baseline concept for mold prevention and influence further experimentation.
Fluorescent light bulbs pose a serious danger to our health as well as significant risk of contaminating our environment. better ventilation, negative pressure rooms and the use of UV light for disinfection, nosocomial transmissions continue to post a problem possibly because they are iatrogenic and cases may be missed due to underdiagnosis. 16
everyone working in the school are breathing in mildew. This could lead to allergies, asthma, and