Ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation is a type of ultraviolet (means ‘beyond violet’) radiation that forms a part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Its primary natural source is the sun, but could also be emitted by artificial sources such as UVB lights, excimer lasers and fluorescents. Most UVB produced by sunlight is absorbed by oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere and forms the ozone layer of lower stratosphere. When the amount of ozone in the ozone layer is reduced, more UVB radiation reaches the surface of earth and can cause damaging effects to human health such as skin and eye, nevertheless UVB could also beneficial in some ways when it comes to produce vitamin D and used in medical devices. The Physics Of UVB Radiation UVB radiation is undetectable by human eyes as it has wavelengths shorter than the visible light. It is a medium wave with wavelengths ranges from 320-290nm and releases photons with energy 3.87eV-4.27eV. Thus it does not penetrate through glass in significant amount. It travels at the speed of light which is 2.99792458 ×108 ms-1 with frequencies of 9.3685e+14 to 1.0338e+15 H...
The ozone layer is the one that protects living things from the pure ultraviolet rays of the sun.
Tanning can be harsh to your skin. The light coming from the sun contains different wavelengths of ultra violet (UV) waves. The two types of waves concerned about are UVA rays and UVB rays. UVA rays are long waves that cause more damage than a UVB ray. UVA rays penetrate deeper into your skin and cause tanning (“The Dangers of”). More and more exposure to UVA rays can cause permanent damage ...
Indoor tanning is a controversial topic and has even been the subject of lawmakers in many states for at least the past ten years. Tanning is a symbol of “health and wealth” for many living in the developed countries and yet it is associated with one of the most deadly cancers known to human beings because of the chemical reaction the Ultra Violet (UV) rays at the cellular level. The research is clear that the use of indoor tanning beds can be dangerous and yet, there are some benefits of using indoor tanning beds. Research has also shown that exposure to UV radiation contributes to the synthesis of Vitamin D in the body, it also can positively boost mood, can heal certain types of skin disorders and may also be helpful for those suffering from fibromyalgia. The indoor tanning industry should make known the risks of using a tanning bed known before selling their use to people. Before one makes a decision to use a tanning bed she should be well informed of the risks and benefits.
Up until the early 1960s, the people of that generation grew up believe that exposure to the sun was healthy and could be used as potential treatments for ailments like acne, for example. The doctors of the early 20th century even promoted the use of the sun’s ultraviolet rays (UV rays) as a treatment for certain strains of tuberculosis. Little did they know the long run consequences of prolonged exposure to the now-labeled ...
With UV tanning you can do it anytime of the year or for a specific event. The health benefits for UV tanning is that you can get vitamin D, which is an important part in your bone and muscular health. It also improves your mood and it improves your appearance. When you tan with UV lights it can help prevent you from getting the sunburn you would normally get when you go outdoor tanning. Since you don’t get much sun in the winter, UV tanning can help with being vitamin D deficient. When UV lights, lasers or lamps are mixed with medication it can help with ...
0.20 and 0.29 UV-C are harmful to living things. These wavelengths have the ability to cause mutations to living cells, and even kill living cells. It also has the ability to damage your eyes.Most of the UV-C wavelengths are absorbs in the ozone. (But with our ever depleting ozone layer, what happens when the ozone layer is not there anymore?)
Imagine a sky full of dark fluffy clouds. The air feels wet and sticky, and rain drops begin to fall. Soon the drops become a sheet of rain and this makes you sad because your outdoor fun is over. But, just as you turn your back to go inside, you feel the sun break through the clouds and warm your back. A smile fills your face because you realize that rain plus sun equals a rainbow. You turn around to see a glorious rainbow in the sky. As you gaze, questions begin to pop into your head. What are rainbows? Who are some scientists that studied them? What makes the colors? Why is there a double bow?
This is the major contributor to worldwide radiation exposure, Non-medical, man-made radiation used in small amounts in food irradiation, airport security scanners, and some consumer products. Exposure to man-made radiation can happen in certain workplaces, or in communities as a result of above ground nuclear weapons testing and nuclear accidents
As summer fast approaches, everyone begins to make their plans for some fun at the beach. This is time for one to get a nice tan from the UV rays of the sun. Some might get a tan at a tanning salon even before they hit the waves. But is the aftermath really worth the tan? Is there even any way to get a safe tan? The effects of the UV light have both positive and negative consequences on the body. Vitamin D intake and phototherapy are both positive factors. Negatively, UV light can lead to skin cancer and eye damage. While the sun contains a greater amount of UVB, the “burning” rays which are more harmful, the tanning beds still gives the skin direct interaction with UVA rays, which can penetrate deep into the skin, causing other problems.
We are into making a more adverse situation with eyes screened form ultra violet rays coming from the sky. To look directly on to the sun is a bit deteriorating and there can be changes that Ray Ban glasses cause with viewing done through it. These glasses cost above a hundred dollars and there are consequences without using these glasses that have negative effects on overall visual system of an individual’s especially younger teenagers.
In principle, a light bulb, or lamp can be used, but the light must be
The sun emits electromagnetic radiation of different wavelengths. This is basically the energy given off by the sun UV Rays are anywhere from 10 nanometers to 400 nanometers. They are the cause of bad things, such as sunburn and skin cancer. They also cause a lot of good effects, like they help kill germs and bacteria. There are UV-A rays, which are longer wavelength and are helpful for the most part. There are also UV-B rays, which have a shorter wavelength, and cause sunburns and other harmful impacts. Luckily 95% of UV-B rays are absorbed by the ozone layer. There are also UV-C, which is the most harmful, but they never reach the surface.
We need the sun for everything; food, transportation, education, and just to live. The sun negatively affects us in our daily lives because our skin is sensitive to the sun. This means that we are prone to burn. A way to protect our skin is with sunscreen. The short-term effect of not wearing sunscreen when exposed to the sun is you can get a painful rash or peeling of skin can occur. Long-term effects of not protecting yourself from the sun can be that it changes your DNA or gives you skin cancer. It changes your DNA by radiation smashing into you skin. The reason why this is so dangerous is because the DNA will now instruct the skin to fix itself because of the radiation, but the instructions would have been changed. It can also speed up
the sun's harmful rays. Possibly a cure for cancer, and people are treating these living
effect. A lot of the rays from the sun are absorbed by water vapor that is naturally in our