Research Report on an Investigation of Impact of Naturally Mapped Interaction Techniques on User Learning and Attitudes

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Research Report on an Investigation of Impact of Naturally Mapped Interaction Techniques on User Learning and Attitudes For this research report I decided to study a journal article that explores how computer interfaces developed to simulate natural interactions impact the overall user experience, user learning, and attitudes. This research was done by Jeeyun Oh, Harold R. Robinson, and Ji Young Lee, and was published in March 2013. Hypotheses The research involved presenting two specially developed user interfaces to human participants – an electronic magazine with page flipping feature where users can flip, curl, and drag pages with the mouse, and the other with buttons to switch pages. The researchers proposed two main hypotheses, and several more hypotheses that follow from the main two. The first hypothesis H1 claim that the page flipping feature will positively influence the recall memory and recognition of the website content. H2 is similar, but claims negative influence. Other hypotheses that follow hypothesize that the page flipping feature will increase the feeling of familiarity (H3), increase liking of the website (H4), increase interaction with the content (H5), lead to increased perception of content credibility (H6), and increase behavioral intention toward the content (H7). Participants The participants were randomly selected undergraduate students from a US university. The participants participated in the research on the university online. Methods A professor offered extra credit to his class if we participate in some sort of an online survey. Of course, most of students accepted the offer. I came to the computer lab. I was provided with a hyperlink I followed. An online questionnaire appeared on screen. I... ... middle of paper ... ...gazine, I am sure that I would never think about the possibility that this is a research about recall and memory. I would probably have an impression that National Geographic is trying to evaluate possible new forms of their magazine. It would be fun to flip through the magazine believing that I am seeing a test of a brand new form of NG, but I would probably be bored with the topic of the issue. Since I would need to answer questions about the content I would probably guessed that there is interest in how much content I can recall, but I would not be able to connect it to hypotheses of the study. Works Cited Oh, J., Robinson, H. R., & Young Lee, J. (2013). Page flipping vs. clicking: The impact of naturally mapped interaction technique on user learning and attitudes. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(4), 1334-1341. doi:

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