Research Paper On Slumdog Millionaire

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Have you ever watched the movie “Slumdog millionaire”? If yes, you would have seen one of the most pathetic living conditions of slums in India. The movie shows litter filled Indian streets, unsanitary bathrooms, trash piles near residential areas and poor drainage management (Slumdog millionaire). You might think these conditions prevailing only in the developing nations in Asia and Africa, but it is not the truth. Some of these conditions are noticeable even in some parts of Los Angeles because of lack of care for the environment and limited budget. Although United States is a model nation to many countries, but we aren’t the cleanest nation or eco-friendly relative to Japan and many other European nations. However, If everyone cares about their community’s cleanliness, whole country can be changed with a broom.Therefore, I choose to work with Northridge West weekly clean up to making impact on my neighborhood. Northridge West community is carrying out a progressive program called “Operation Clean Sweep”, which believes clean streets are the first part of city beautification. This essay will focus on the cause, mission and my contribution on the community member I choose to work. Before we explore the causes, introduction of the organization is crucial. Northridge West Neighborhood Council (NWNC) is a non- profit organization which is part of council district twelve of Los Angeles. It is the area located between four main …show more content…

According to Glen Wilson, the treasurer of the council, Operation “Clean Sweep”, which is initiated in 2010 to end the issues above mentioned. The “Operation Clean Sweep” is successfully adding beauty to the Northridge West community by creating safe and tidy

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