Research Paper On Nelson Mandela's Determination

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Apartheid was a system that institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination that existed in South Africa between 1948 and 1991. The system was based on white supremacy repressing the black majority of the population for the benefit of the Whites who were politically and economically superior because of this system. The movement against apartheid was led by many famous civil rights leader like Nelson Mandela he was a centerpiece to the eradication of this racial regime. He spent 40 years fighting against this 27 of them was where he was in years in prison. Mandela was one of the people who changed the world drastically in the terms of racism, being a great leader for his movement, and was determined to accomplish what was deemed impossible. …show more content…

However in my viewpoint, it's the opposite, if you complete a goal of yours swiftly then it is showing your determination because on how quick you resolve or achieve something. Determination shows that you put in all the work to solve your goals. Mandela strived at his sense of drive and determination at his speeches he spoke like he had a mission willing to do anything to achieve. He led many marches and protest against the racist government. He was banned from many cities and was divorced by his wife and left two kids waiting for him. But none of that made him slow down it just made him stronger. After his arrest in 1964 with a few other activists and being held on account of 4 charges they originally put on death sentence but was resolved to spend life in prison. This trial caught world attention and immediately called for the release of Mandela. It seemed as Mandela’s determination was being shown even though he was in prison. With the arrest of Mandela, the whole world saw what was happening in South Africa and the world soon started to take action against the racist

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