Research Paper On My Love For Theatre

762 Words2 Pages life. And sure, calling theatre the most meaningful part of my life is cheesy, I get that. But now that you are thoroughly introduced to my love for theatre (although I don’t know much about anything but the shows I've been in) I think I can start getting to the good stuff. That love for theatre I was just gushing over didn't really happen until my 4th production. Sure, I enjoyed the first three plays I was in, but they were NOTHING in comparison to my first show at Kingston High School. My theatre career started out small, and then grew exponentially. I wasn’t one of those kids who was the lead in every one of their productions, I was no Caterpillar in the elementary's school of “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”. No, no, I was one of the leaves that very hungry caterpillar got to munch on. …show more content…

Maybe it was just something my Mum convinced me to do, or possibly it was just because all my friends were doing it. In all honestly, those first few shows weren’t quite memorable. After those first three plays in my Catholic school (I only went there K-4) my childhood acting career came to a standstill. It wasn’t until my last year in middle school (8th grade) that I decided to try out for the school musical. Now, I was a well seasoned musician. At the time I played piano, viola, violin, clairnet AND sang thankyouverymuch. I had been to all county for singing in 5th grade and for what it was worth I could wiggle my limbs in the right way so that it looked like I was dancing. My only issue was cleaning the cobwebs off my acting skills. Luckily for me my best friend at the time decided to ask me to audition with her on the day of auditions. So, being the socially awkward egomaniac I was, I told her I’d do it. What the hell, what did I have to lose? I was an 8th grader and just the year before I had been on stage crew (mainly because then I got to miss class) but those were simply

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