Research Paper On Mercury

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Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, along with venus, earth, mars. It is mostly made of rock. In 1974, Mariner 10 took pictures of mercury and scientist thought it looked like earth’s moon. It itself has no moons. It is named after the Greco- Roman Messenger of the gods, because it moves faster than all the other planets. Mercury has a crater known as Caloris Basin, Scientists believe the crater was made when an asteroid hit the planet. The crater is about 810 miles (1,300 km) You can see mercury at sunset or sunrise low in the horizon. Mercury is the only planet that has no atmosphere, any gases will escape into space. Without an atmosphere, the day is hot and dry, the night is freezing cold. It is made out of rock, its iron …show more content…

Earth is our planet, the only planet known to support life. There are 7 continents on the earth. When the universe first started, and dinosaurs were alive, all the continents were connected into one continent called pangaea. Later on in life, the plates moved the earth, so some substances were spread all around, as well as the skeletons of the dinosaurs. Earth is made out of a molten iron core, with rocky plates that move the surface of the earth. About 70% of the earth is covered in water, and only 2% is fresh (rest is contaminated, salted) and only 1% is actually water, the rest is glaciers. the earth’s atmosphere is composed of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 1% of other gases which include water vapour and carbon dioxide. One day has 23 hrs, and 56 min. Every four years, there is one day added to February (29th) which all the minutes of every day add up into one full day. It takes 365. 3 days to orbit around the sun. the earth spins on its axis as it orbits around the sun. Earth is a little slanted on its axis with our moon orbiting around us. Earth’s gravity is 9.807 m/s2. (“Popular Science …show more content…

In 1979, the Voyager 1, the third spacecraft to fly by jupiter; proved that jupiter has one small ring around it. There are never ending storms on jupiter. The reason storms never is because there is no land and no surface. The Geosphere usually will stop a storm or hurricane from continuing and will just fade away. However, this is not the case for jupiter as it has no surface. Jupiters two main moons is Io and Europa. Io has many volcanoes that continuously erupt hot lava. Scientists believe that Europa, due to its ocean under its icy surface may have eternal life there. Jupiter’s atmosphere is mostly composed of hydrogen gas. Jupiter is made of huge storms that go on for thousands of years. The winds blow faster than 400 miles/ hr. Jupiter does not have a solid surface. It’s atmosphere of gas and ice push down onto the center. The pressure makes jupiter hot and thick. There may be a rocky core in the middle. Jupiter spins very quickly on its axis. It takes 9hrs and 55 for a day to end. It orbits extremely slowly around the sun, it takes about 12 earth years to orbit once. It has a total of 63 moons. More than 1,300 earths could fit into jupiter.

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