Research Paper On Freya

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Freya is the Norse Vanir goddess of love, beauty, gold, and sorcery. She is a part of the Vanir tribe, twin sister of Frey, mother of Blitzen, and the ruler of Folkvanger - one of two places where Norse warriors go after death (the other being Valhalla).

Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard

The Sword of Summer
Magnus and Blitz first meet Freya, when they accidentally travel to her realm - Folksvanger. There, in the hall of Sessrumnir they meet the goddess who is revealed to be Blitz's mother.
Freya later produces tears of red gold and puts them in a leather pouch and gives it to Blitz so he can use the tears as payment for Junior to make her earrings.

Freya is a bright and helpful woman, very loving towards her family. However, …show more content…

Mystiokinesis: As the Goddess of Sorcery, Freya has absolute control and divine authority over magic.

Demigod Children
Bili Blitzen
Freya's Greco-Roman counterpart (in terms of attributes) is Aphrodite/Venus and Athena/Minerva.
Freya along with Odin are the two most powerful users of magic among the Norse Gods.
She is also similar to Hecate/Trivia as she is a goddesses of sorcery and magic.
Friday was named after either her or Frigg.
Both Freya and Frey (as well as Frigg) are associated with the Fehu Rune.
Several plants were named after Freyja, such as Freyja's tears and Freyja's hair (Polygala vulgaris).
In the pre-Christian period, the Orion constellation was called either Frigg's distaff or Freyja's distaff (Swedish Frejerock).
Place names in Norway and Sweden reflect devotion to the goddess, including the Norwegian place name Frøihov (originally *Freyjuhof, literally "Freyja's hof") and Swedish place names such as Frövi (from *Freyjuvé, literally "Freyja's vé").

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