Research Paper On Farewell To Manzanar

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Spending time with family is such an important part of life, however, some people during World War II didn't receive this luxury. Farewell to Manzanar is a memoir written by Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston. The book follows the life of Jeanne Wakatsuki. It vividly describes her experiences before, during, and after Manzanar, a Japanese internment camp. Manzanar was one of the many internment camps built to hold Japanese-Americans during World War II. War injustice greatly affects a person’s life because it breaks them apart from their family. For example, many families were separated when they were taken to internment camps. “Many families weren’t as lucky as ours and suffered months of anguish while trying to arrange transfers from one camp to another” (Wakatsuki Houston …show more content…

However, due to injustice caused by war, families were separated from one another, which isn’t good. Separation greatly affects how close a family might be. In addition to separating families, war injustice also caused divisions between families, for example Jeanne’s family. “Mama was gone most of the time,” he said. And, worst of all, I had lost respect for Papa” (Wakatsuki Houston 128). This demonstrates that war injustice not only separated families, but also broke the bonds of families. Before, Jeanne had looked up to her father and what he did. Now, however, she lost respect for him. This greatly tense her relationship with Papa as well as affected what she thought of him. Additionally, Mama was never at home because she had to work, so Jeanne couldn’t even spend time with her. This resulted in a division between Jeanne and her parents. Since she couldn’t spend time with Mama and lost respect for Papa, it overall affected how close she was with her parents. Ultimately, war injustice changed what Jeanne thinks of her parents and strained the bonds she had with

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