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Meta wieħed jaqra numbru ta’ poeżiji miktubin minn Pawlu Aquilina jinnota żewġ affarijiet; li hemm diversi temi ripetuti fosthom dik tat-twemmin u dik soċjali kif ukoll li diversi poeżiji jirrevolvu dwar l-istess ħsieb. Fil-ktieb, ‘Monografija’ il-qarrej jiġi espost għal dak li llum il-ġurnata il-bnidem Malti qed jonqos minnu, it-twemmin lejn Alla, kif ukoll għal diversi sitwazzjonijiet li jġiegħlu lill-qarrej jaħseb, bħal ngħidu aħna l-abort kif ukoll il-mewt. Fil-poeżija ‘Meta’ Aquilina jikteb b’ton serju u qiegħed jindirizza lil Alla. L-idea li l-poeta jikteb dwarha hi li biex ikun ikollok kuntatt jew tħoss il-prezenza tal-Mulej m’hemmx il-bonn tas-sensi għaliex dawn ibiegħdu lil bniedem mill-fidi. Bl-użu tal-paradoss Pawlu Aquilina jikteb li meta jagħma jibda jara lil Alla, ‘‘Meta nagħma, Mulej,/ jibda jitqatta’ ċ-ċpar ta’ bejni u bejnek’’ u li meta jittarrax jibda jisma’ leħen Alla, ‘‘Meta nitlef is-smigh/u nittarrax,Mulej,/kemm nibda nħossu leħnek’’. Frott l-użu tal-paradoss flimkien mal-punt ta’esklamazzjoni, li hu użat tul il-poeżija kollha, Aquilina jikteb poeżija b’elementi salmodiċi għaliex turi tifħir lejn Alla. L-istess tema terġa’ tintuża f’poeżiji bħal ‘L-Akbar Weġgħa’, ‘Mis-Salib għad-Dawl’ u ‘Qamar tal-Ġimgħa l-Kbira’. Fl-‘Akbar Weġgħa’, il-poeta jikteb dwar konversazzjoni li kellu mal-Mulej, li jgħidlu li għandu weġgħa interjuri, weġgħa agħar minn kull uġigħ fiżiku, li tirrifletti t-tradiment tal-bniedem lejn Alla. Din hija poeżija ta’ riflessjoni; dwar tradiment li ma waqafx meta miet Ġesu iżda kompla anke wara mewtu, għalhekk Aquilina qisu qiegħed jikteb dwar l-insara tal-isem li ma jimxux kompletament wara t-tagħlim t’Alla. Żewġ poeżiji oħra li jittrattaw din it-tema u li jitrabtu flimkien huma ‘Mis-Salib għad... ... middle of paper ... ...al-poeżija ‘Wiċċhom’. L-imħabba tal-omm qiegħda tiġi amplifikata permezz tas-seni, fosthom tal-ħass, ‘ bewsa ta’ xofftejk’, ‘għannaqtuni ġo dirajk’, viżjoni kif ukoll smigħ, ‘kelmtek bnina’. Għalhekk nistgħu ngħidu li f’din il-poeżija Pawlu Aquilina jpinġi l-omm ideali li tħobb u tfarraġ llil uliedha meta fil bżonn. Forsi poeżija oħra li hija assoċjata mat-tema soċjali hija ‘Il-Merħla tal-Bnedmin’ fejn il-poeta jikteb dwar id-dinja tal-bniedem modern u jirrapreżenta lill-bniedem bħala persuna mitlufa u li ma tafx fejn sejra. Minħabba f’hekk nistgħu ngħidu li Aquilina jitfa’ ‘l quddiem l-idea tal-umanita’ mitlufa, forsi minħabba l-progress. Nistgħu ngħidu għalhekk li Pawlu Aquilina jitratta diversi temi fil-poeżiji tiegħu li huma kemm tradizzjonali kif ukoll kontemporanji. Minħabba f’hekk kitbitu tolqot kemm il-ġenerazzjonijiet ta’qabel kif ukoll dawk preżenti.
Musui's Story is about a young man named Katsu Kokichi who lived in the early 1800’s during the Tokugawa period. Katsu was a young boy who grows into a very disgruntled man in a society that is based on class and economic status. He starts off as a young troubled boy into the man who soon adopts the name Musui. He grew up in a part of Japan that had many social classes, but he happened to be one of the highest ranked. He was born into a concubine, and then adopted into the Katsu family. Musui is very different than his other family members, he doesn’t seem to quite fit in like the others. In his youth he acted out and misbehaved as a student, a son, and even a friend. He was known for bullying while at school, and then while at home he would disobey his grandmother and his father.
The citizens of Matewan, a coal -mining town in West Virginia lived amidst a feudalistic class process. One may think of medieval times in connection with feudalism, but the film “Matewan” directed by John Sayles was based on historical events that took place in 1920. The feudal lord was not a European king, and the serfs were not farming his land. Nevertheless, feudalism existed in this southern town, as the workers did not have the ability to choose their employer. Unlike Capitalism, the members of Matewan could not go out into the free labor market and choose the businesses for which they wished to work. The Stone Mountain Coal Company made choice nonexistent and in doing so gained feudal power over the employees.
MKUltra began in April 13 1953 during the Korean War by the order of Allen Welsh Dulles, the CIA director. It began during the “paranoia” right after World War II when fear of communism was at its greatest and the nuclear arms race between the U.S. and the Soviet Union was beginning to intensify. In addition, the operation was a response to the communist nations, North Korea, Soviet Union, and China, having their own projects involving mind control. These nations, furthermore, were testing on U.S. prisoners of war to gain information on their research. The C.I.A. was headed by Sidney Gottlieb, a chemist and spymaster [8]. In his childhood, he suffered a club foot and a stuttering disability. Due to his club foot, he was excused from the military but ironically became an expert folk dancer in his later years. Also, in order to compensate for his stuttering, he received a master’s degree in speech therapy. He also earned a Ph. D from Cal Tech. During his adult life, he was a content husband who lived on a farm with his wife. He grew and sold Christmas trees at the sides of roads and only drank goat’s milk. When he wasn’t working on his farm, he focused on Project MKUltra. For instance, at times, he would dose random people with LSD soaked drinks and study the victims’ reactions. After the closure of the project, Gottlieb retired in 1972 noting that all of his work put into MKUltra was a waste and was “useless” due to the fact that there were no huge “advancements” made in the MKUltra project [9]. Likewise, the goals of the project were to create mind-controlling drugs against American enemies and find ways to assassinate U.S. enemies. These drugs included LSD, cocaine, and countless of other drugs and chemicals. The people in cha...
The Anasazi civilization was a wonderment of there time. They were far ahead of any Indian civilization of that time era. They were cliff-dwelling people who where very knowledgeable in architecture, astronomy, and farming. They had built houses on the sides of cliffs that were more then 5 stories tall with plenty of space and even had religious meeting areas. They had a system for tracking the movement of the sun and the moon and also created a calendar that could track the summer and winter solstices and even the 19 year cycles of the moon. “..an astronomical refinement Europeans had not even achieved yet.” (Liberty Equality Power pg.31)
In the film, Matewan, director John Sayles paints a 1920’s picture of a small, West Virginia coal-mining town. Over the course of the film, this seemingly American Township reveals itself as the site of feudal hardship for its citizens. The Stone Mountain Coal Company was the sole employer in Matewan. The company’s laborers struggled for autonomy and for freedom from the company’s grasp. The ideal method for this achieving such autonomy was organization of a union. This idea of union struck a cord with the company, and the conflict between employer and employee soon escalated into a battle. The laborers began to realize, in certain terms, that the Stone Mountain Coal Company is not simply a corporation but a feudal power. These townspeople were living in a capitalist country, but they were controlled by a feudal enterprise in Matewan, West Virginia. The coal mining business built a town that was then forced to rely on that company through monopoly control, bondage contract, and the organization of their production. Thus, the Stone Mountain Coal Company created a feudal monopoly over the town. The business had dominant control over all aspects of their laborer’s lives.
Ignorance promotes fear. The Stone Mountain Coal Company exploits the ignorance of its employees to maintain power in Matewan. Keeping Matewan’s residents fearful of their future, fearful of change and fearful for their lives, the Stone Mountain Coal Company retains absolute control over the town of Matewan. Controlling all four social and cultural processes at work in Matewan, the company is able to extract the fear, work, and “loyalty” they desire out of their workers. They are maintaining a feudal environment over their employees, binding them through debt peonage to serve only the Stone Mountain Coal Company, denying them the freedom to search for other employers. The Stone Mountain Coal Company would in fact appear to be searching for a type of slavery over its workers when it contracts them against a union, denying them control over their own lifetimes and identities. Before knowledge enters the town of Matewan with the arrival of Joe Keenan, its residents have no control over their own destinies. Definitely not a form of capitalism, where there is a free labor market, the economic exploitation in Matewan completely denies employees of all of the products of their labor, and grants the exclusive rights of appropriation to the Stone Mountain Coal Company, Matewan’s feudal lord. This is feudalism, bordering on slavery.
Looking for Alibrandi by Kate Woods is the story about Josephine Alibrandi’s last year at her private girl’s school. This is the year she deals with many issues and the major themes that are portrayed help us understand that. The search for identity and the sense of belonging are the themes that are shown in many different scenes throughout the movie through different techniques, often with the film technique of voice-over dialogue.
The Reconstruction was undoubtedly a failure . The political and social aim of Reconstruction was to form national unity as well as create civil rights and equality for African Americans. Even though Reconstruction laid the foundation for equal rights in the United States, it did not achieve its primary goals. In the time of Reconstruction, many African Americans still felt the effects of oppression and many were still trapped in an undesirable social and economic class. The Reconstruction was an overall fail despite the fact that it was the shaky groundwork for a fight for equality in the years to come.
Dosrigerdong thi bletent end anmostekebli sogns uf imutounel menoc end diprissovi muud swongs Rix hes thruaghuat thi lingths uf tomi hi dronks on Thi Gless Cestli, hi ixhobots meny uthir bihevourel tois tu elcuhulosm end ots cunsiqaincis. Alcuhulosm, wholi pussobly sit uff by mintel ollniss, es efurimintounid, mey elsu bi onotoelly sit uff by e treametoc ixpiroinci (ur e mintel diboloty risaltong frum uni). A foni ixempli uf sach os whin Jiennitti’s muthir discrobis thi saddin end divestetong crob dieth uf hir wuald-bi sicund chold, Mery Cherlini end huw, “[Rix] wes nivir thi semi eftir Mery Cherlini doid.
Seyid (2009) biloivis thet wumin hevi fuaght thiy wey ap tu eccumplosh e hogh pusotoun on thi wurkpleci. Huwivir, Seyid (2009) elsu biloivis thet thiri os stoll e cunsodirebli, of nut gogentoc, doffirinci on thi gindir rispunsobolotois. Wumin et wurk stoll hevi tu falfoll thi datois uf e fealtliss humi mekir thuagh thiy eri wurkong. Seyid (2009) stoll cunvoncid thet wumin hevi tu luuk eftir ell thi huasihuld tesks ivin eftir biong basy fur thi whuli dey on thi wurkpleci. Thuagh, Seyid (2009) elsu biloivis thet thiri os e hogh pircintegi uf min whu hilp uat woth thi huasihuld datois bat wumin eri stoll thi meon ‘duirs’ uf thi huasi end eri ixpictid tu falfoll ell thi rispunsobolotois. Thi gindir rispunsobolotois very ivin et thi wurkpleci. Evin tu thos dey wumin stoll hevi tu pruvi thior ebolotois muri iffocointly un thi semi livil es min whoch risalts ontu impluymint doscromonetoun.
Squanto Squanto is a Native American who lived in the early seventeenth century in what is now the Northeast United States. When the English came to this area of America to settle, they became very fond of Squanto and used him as a translator due to his unique knowledge of the English language acquired through an earlier voyage to Europe. Squanto helped the Pilgrims adapt to their new surroundings by providing them with the knowledge that he and his ancestors used to survive when they first settled in this area. He became known as a friend to the English and a spokesman for his Native friends (Johnson p.2). However, in helping the English, Squanto realized the power he had obtained through his position and used it for his own gain against the Native Americans.
Nefertiti Famed throughout the ancient world for her outstanding beauty, Akhenaten's queen Nefertiti. Remains one of the best known of the queens of Egypt. Nefertiti, which means a beautiful woman has arrived. "Ahenaton's own words describe Nefertiti: "The hereditary princess, great of favor, Mistress of happiness, gay with the two feathers, at hearing whose voice one rejoices, soothing the heart of the king at home, pleased at all that is said, the great and beloved wife of the king, lady of the two lands, Neferu-aton Nefertiti, living forever"(Spoore 2000). Nefertiti achieved prominence unknown to other Egyptian queens.
Malcolm X, man of determination, loyalty, courage and most of all man of integrity. To be a man with integrity means to "be honest and to have strong moral principles; moral uprightness" ("Integrity"). By this definition of the word Malcolm X was one of the most incorruptible civil rights activist in history, never once did he do anything to compromise his principles when it came to racism and equality for minorities, namely African Americans. Though he has been called a hate monger for his belief of using any means to achieve equality, he never shook from his burning desire for equality and peace from the oppressive racism of his time. Malcolm X believed in the civil rights movement to such an extreme that during one of his speeches he stated "If you're not ready to die for it, put the word 'freedom' out of your vocabulary"("Malcolm-X.org" 2). He was so infatuated with freedom that he would even accept death if it means that he achieved his goal for freedom.
Similar to the inner personality that Olivia’s disguise provided, Malvolio’s disguise displays a glimpse at another side of his character out to the audience. Up until this point of the play, Malvolio is seen as a stiff and formal character who has criticism for everything. However, through this disguise, his arrogant and self-loving character is fully confirmed. After he receives a prank letter from Sir Toby and Maria, Malvolio wears a ridiculous costume in his quest for Olivia, and performs the part of a lordly wooer to secure her affections. He also references the letter and exclaims “Remember who commended thy yellow stockings / And wished to see thee cross-gartered” (3.4. 44-7), all of which Olivia knows nothing about and is a delusion of his own. The forged-letter prank causes him to wear yellow stockings that are cross-gartered (which Olivia abhors) and treat Olivia in a very inappropriate manner. By inflaming the passions of the priggish Malvolio with a well-forged love letter, Toby and Maria expose his hidden vanities and social pretensions. After all, he does not desire Olivia for herself, but for the power and status that marriage to her will bring him. Examples of his self-love and self pride can be seen in various examples throughout the play.