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MKUltra began in April 13 1953 during the Korean War by the order of Allen Welsh Dulles, the CIA director. It began during the “paranoia” right after World War II when fear of communism was at its greatest and the nuclear arms race between the U.S. and the Soviet Union was beginning to intensify. In addition, the operation was a response to the communist nations, North Korea, Soviet Union, and China, having their own projects involving mind control. These nations, furthermore, were testing on U.S. prisoners of war to gain information on their research. The C.I.A. was headed by Sidney Gottlieb, a chemist and spymaster [8]. In his childhood, he suffered a club foot and a stuttering disability. Due to his club foot, he was excused from the military but ironically became an expert folk dancer in his later years. Also, in order to compensate for his stuttering, he received a master’s degree in speech therapy. He also earned a Ph. D from Cal Tech. During his adult life, he was a content husband who lived on a farm with his wife. He grew and sold Christmas trees at the sides of roads and only drank goat’s milk. When he wasn’t working on his farm, he focused on Project MKUltra. For instance, at times, he would dose random people with LSD soaked drinks and study the victims’ reactions. After the closure of the project, Gottlieb retired in 1972 noting that all of his work put into MKUltra was a waste and was “useless” due to the fact that there were no huge “advancements” made in the MKUltra project [9]. Likewise, the goals of the project were to create mind-controlling drugs against American enemies and find ways to assassinate U.S. enemies. These drugs included LSD, cocaine, and countless of other drugs and chemicals. The people in cha...

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...t its operation. Jonestown, after the termination of the project, was thought to have been a test site for mind control and mental experiments under MKUltra due to the mass suicide that took place there that became known as the Peoples Temple mass suicide and the formation of the Jim Jones cult in that town. Further, Leo Ryan was murdered in Jonestown by the Peoples Temple members when he was investigating numerous reports that were claimed to have happened in that area. Besides the Jonestown theory, the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy was believed, by Lawrence Teeter, to have been a work of the techniques used in the Project MKUltra. Moreover, the attorney believed that Sirhan Sirhan, was under the influence of hypnosis when he murdered Robert F. Kennedy. Nevertheless, he was found guilty of first degree murder and six days later, was executed in a gas chamber.

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