Research Paper On Cats

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Cats, almost everyone adores them. Cat videos are among the most viewed videos available on the internet and it is apparent why. There are over 70 million pet cats in America today, there is also one feral cat for every pet cat; so, there are approximately 70 million feral cats, that is an estimated 140 million cats in total. People love cats and have through the centuries, cats have lived and evolved with humans over the years and are a major part of most peoples lives. As much as people love and adore these furry, fluffy, and funny creatures there is a dark side to their habitation. As many people who own cats or have seen a cat know that many of these cats live outside. This is where our problem with outdoor cats begin. It is reported that …show more content…

A study shows that even the prey cats use as a food source are still ultimately endangered by a cats hunting habits stating, “Our analyses reveal that models that include adjusted prey species- richness as a predictor of felid- richness outperform those with less precise measures of prey- richness. This is true both when examined collectively and when split into those felids that prey upon large- bodied prey and those that prey upon small- bodied prey. For seven felid species, 33% or more of their primary prey- species are threatened” (Sandom, 667). This means that even if you fed your friendly feline, as soon as you let them outside they will still hunt and kill animals for the fun of it. Cats are invasive species to all areas, as they were brought to America by boat many years ago. Therefore, these birds and other animals are not adapted well enough to deal with a kind of predator like house cats. These same birds and animals are vital to ecosystems, birds, like bees, help in pollinating many different variety of flowers and also aid in spreading seeds. With that in mind birds are a very essential part of the North American ecosystem. Cats; however, are not they are an invasive species killing native

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