Research Paper On Benito Mussolini

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What is a dictator? A dictator is a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained power by force. Benito Mussolini was a dictator of Italy. He had much help and helped other powerful dictators of this time. He was always very violent, even when he was young. Mussolini rose to power after the Great War (WWI). As quickly as he did rise to power, he fell even faster from power. Like all powerful and memorable dictators, Mussolini did have some significant facts and events in his life that people should remember.
Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini was born July 29, 1883. He was born in Dovia di Predappio, Forli, Italy. Benito was the eldest of three children. He showed very high intelligence, but was disobedient. …show more content…

He condemned it at first, but quickly realized it was an opportunity. Mussolini joined the Italian army in 1915. He fought on the front lines, reached rank of corporal, and was wounded and discharged from the army. Benito also rose to power by being involved and starting political activities. He was involved in the Italian government. When the Italian government signed the Treaty of Versailles, Mussolini thought the government was weak about giving up so much, so quickly. He organized right-wing ground, which in March 1919 formed into the Fascist party. He also organized para-military unit called the Black Shirts. The Black Shirts terrorized political opponents and helped increase Fascist influencers. In 1922 Italy was in political chaos, so Benito Mussolini declared that he could only restore and give authority. During this time he dismantled the democratic institutions as well. During 1925, he made himself dictator of Italy. He added the title II Dulce. The only thing Benito did to help other people is carried out extensive public work programs and reduced unemployment …show more content…

In 1942 there a conference called the Casablanca Conference. The Casablanca Conference had Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt had a plan to take out Italy and force Germany to move troops. July 1943 Allied forces secured the beachhead of Sicily and marched up the Italian Peninsula. Mussolini was pressured to resign and quickly arrested afterwards. German commanders later prosecuted him. Mussolini moved his government to the northernside of Italy to hopefully regain influence amongst the Italians. June 4, 1944, Rome was liberated by

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