Renewable and Nonrewable Energy Resources

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Renewable and Nonrewable Energy Resources

Energy is used as part of everyday lives and can be used in one form

or another. Energy is about doing work and it is all around us.

Animals need energy to live and machines need energy to work. Energy

exists in many forms, such as:

- Light

- Heat

- Electrical

- Mechanical

- Atomic

- Chemical-etc.

There are different types of energy resources. They go into two

groups, which are Non-renewable and Renewable.



Once non-renewable resources (natural resources) are consumed they

cannot be replaced. The main energy sources used by humans are

non-renewable resources; and some of these include fossil fuels such

as coal, gas and oil.

Fossil Fuels


Coal, oil and gas are the sources of energy we call fossil fuels. They

are called fossil fuels because they are decayed and altered remains

of plants and animals that lived on earth hundred of millions of years

ago. Fossil fuels are usually found below ground (like oil and natural

gas). Fossil fuels hold a lot of stored chemical energy. Burning only

a bit of coal. Oil and gas releases a lot of energy.

The six energy sources shown are mainly used in the world today and

also show the amount of energy we get from each fuel.



Coal has been used for a very long time and still provides more than a

quarter of all the fuels used in the world today. Coal is mostly made

of carbon and has been used as part of providing heat and when

machines were invented they were powered by burning coal. Coal is a


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... onto the natural grid and out to our homes where it

powers out TV’s, transits etc. It also supplies a lot of industries.

Power For The Future

Fossil fuels cause pollution and may run out during the foreseeable

future. The renewable energy resources are still not producing enough

energy to run the world. Nuclear power could well be the answer but

the effects it has on the environment are very serious. Nuclear fusion

could be a solution to future problems.



I have written this bibliography to show the references I have used

and also the author.


Energy from the Sun- Jan Burgess

Radiation and Nuclear energy- Jay Palmer

Power from the wind- Hazel Songhutst

Physics- David Sang

Co-ordinated Science (Physics)- Stephen Pople and Peter Whitehead

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