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Essay on economic implications on sustainable development
Climate change analysis paper
Environmental and economic implications of sustainable development
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Climate Change and Sustainable Development
This research paper is about climate change with the concept of sustainable development, meaning that it will approach the climate change problem with an economical way and try to solve it with the new growth theory. New growth theory argues that innovations, population growth, new technology, and creative destruction are connected to each other and that these connections will solve the climate change problem. The exponential technology growth, improved international private rights and improved use of human capital are some of those key terms what the theory is all about. The most important thing towards the solution is human capital. Improved human capital will lead to a better efficiency of industry and therefore improve the environmental friendliness. Government plays as an important role even though the regulations of market are set in minimum. Government’s job is to create a good business atmosphere with attractive incentives. These incentives and good private property rights will help to achieve this business atmosphere and new innovations will come out. The biggest barrier for plan is the theory itself. An example of this is the neoliberal revolution in Argentina during 1989-1999 when Carlos Menem was the president of the country. His neoliberal and market liberal politics, which are one of the corner stones of new growth theory, achieved big victories in the start of 90s but when the economy started to slow down and the unemployment exploded the problems doubled up. To avoid this kind of market overheating, corporate leaders and politicians had to be liable for their decisions. If those people manage to be liable for markets, the markets will repair themselves and also the pr...
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...ion of fusion power plant when the technology has achieved a certain level. This level will be reach with free market and patents right, which will create incentive for scientist to make innovation. Hopefully, countries, in the future, will find co-operating relationship’ among each other and solve environmental problems.
Works Cited
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The following case study critiques Upton’s vision to establish a sustainable community through implementing comprehensive sustainable strategy. The urban periphery development is thought to demonstrate superior execution of sustainable principles in development (Jackson 2007). As a parallel, the report focuses on the development of Upton’s design code and demonstrates how large -scale mix-use developments can incorporate sustainable practice and principles of urban growth.
Web. The Web. The Web. 6 June 2015. http://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/--100617 Martin, Claire and Siegel, Masada.
As of now, 80% of global energy is provided by fossil fuels. Wind and solar energy sources are unlikely to completely replace fossil fuels in the coming decades due to infrastructure problems. A drop in global energy provided by oil starting sometime between 2012 and 2014 (Chris) is also expected. As a result of these circumstances more research must be done in other forms of energy generation in order to keep with energy demand as countries industrialize and populations grow. Despite claims that nuclear fusion will not be practically realized, research into nuclear fusion should be increased as it is not harmful to the environment, has nearly limitless fuel, and is inherently safe. Fusion power produces no greenhouse gasses and no long-lived radioactive products, making it a very clean energy source. According to the article “Safety and Environment,” “Fusion power does not produce any greenhouse gasses (GHGs) or other atmospheric pollutants during operation.” It has become an increasing desire for things, such as cars and companies, to become environmentally friendly or “green.” The fact that fusion power would generate no greenhouse gasses inherently is a big plus. Furthermore, according to the same article, “SEAFP concluded that fusion has very good inherent safety qualities, among which... no production of long-lived, highly radiotoxic products.” The radiotoxic products produced by nuclear fission pose a large environmental problem due to storage required. Fusion is much more environmentally friendly than fission because it lacks these products.
The use of cold fusion would be a boon to mankind. It’s use would solve all energy delimmas currently facing the petroleum dependant modern society. Elimination of pollution, economy, and ready availability of raw materials would be a tremendous improvement over today’s combustion engines and chemical cells. More so than any other alternative energy solution, cold fusion presents a source that is truly renewable and, if it lives up to it’s hypothesis, a large enough amount of power. No other means to date has proven it’s practical use on a large scale. Cold fusion could be the solution to the problems of global warming and pollution.
Climate change and Global Warming are out of control. This means that, no matter what policies, processes or actions are implemented, the Earth as we know it will never be the same again. There is significant evidence to support this hypothesis. The dilemma becomes whether we can limit the damage and adapt to a new status quo or not. Rising sea levels and the damage caused by this phenomenon has irreversible impacts on coastlines worldwide. Damage to sensitive reef systems cannot be fixed. This also has permanent impacts of the ecology not just of those immediate areas but also the ocean as a whole.
...he NIF project going every year. Due to the unknown time schedule and the grand costs, it seems nobody truly knows when our Earth will become fully dependent, but Fusion energy is on top of everyone‟s minds as our future.
Furthermore, the future of this industry has a definite growth forthcoming. As we approach fusion power as a reality, nuclear engineers will be essential components to the distribution of a clean, safe energy source.
patterns, the eventual destruction of ecosystems, and the rapid rising of sea levels, each event
Web. The Web. The Web. 14 May 2014. Stanley, Jay.
Power from nuclear fusion reactors would be a welcome achievement for the 21st century, and at the current rate of progress it seems likely that before the end of the new century energy will be available from nuclear fusion. It is estimated that it will take over a decade from the time a sustainable fusion reaction is achieved before fusion power will be available for use. But the attention being devoted to research is strong, the experiments are coming closer to fruition, and we are coming closer to having an almost limitless supply of energy.
Economic growth and social development are complementary and they have a close but complex relationship. With the economic growth, it is clear that there are many environmental concerns in today’s society. Air, water, and land pollution have worsened; the environment of wild animals and plants has been seriously damaged; many species are threatened with extinction, deforestation and over-exploitation of mineral resources.
In class we discussed what sustainable development meant to us; each group had its own definition. Our group’s definition was that sustainable development is for the long term for future generations, for the basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, and job. The basic will increase over time and our resources will diminish, which why sustainable development is important. Sustainable development is important for future generations so that they end up with a world better than ours. Sustainable development is achievable if society works together to meet everyone’s basic needs and create a better world.
Sustainable development means that the present generations should be able to make use of resources to live better lives in such a manner that it doesn’t compromise the ability of future generations to survive and make better lives for themselves as well. For sustainable development to occur, there needs to be sustainable economic, ecological and community development. Society needs to be educated about ways in which they can use resources, especially natural, in such a manner that it doesn’t cause harm to the environment and put future generations lives at risk.