Relationship Between Men and Women in Pre 1914 Short Stories

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Relationship Between Men and Women in Pre 1914 Short Stories

For this prose study I will examine 3 short pre 1914 stories, the

stories I will comment on about relationship will be 'Tony Kytes',

'Seeing a Beauty Queen Home' and 'News of the Engagement.' I will

first start with Tony Kytes.

In the story 'Tony Kytes', the relationship is very dramatic and

confusing, as Tony does not know what girl he wants to be with. He has

many life partners that consider him as loyal boyfriend and soon to be

a husband. The author seems to describe Tony Kytes as a popular young

man who is very passionate with girls, and can get their attention

when ever, where ever. But Tony has a weakness, which is having to

handle the girls that are attracted to him. He has no sense of

controlling them after the incident in the wagon.

In the story there are 3 girls that Tony seems to play on, the young

ladies names are Milly, Unity and Hannah. The strongest and most

passionate relationship Tony has is with Milly as she adores him more

then anything and wants to be his wife, in those days that's what

young women wanted, to become a loyal wife and a loving mother. Unity

and Hannah also wanted to be his wife but at the end of the story they

disagree with decision. Milly treats Tony like a god, she seems the

type of girl who is willing to give up and sacrifice anything for

Tony. The question is will Tony give up anything for Milly, as Tony

seems to be the guy that has experienced many women in his life. Along

that route the problem is to give up one of them. In his eyes they are

all beautiful, he does not want one girl but he wishes more.

Tony Kytes and the 3 young ladies had experienced a strange moment in

the wagon, as Tony was trapped with the girls, one after another when

he was on his way home. The three girls were hiding in the wagon, but

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