1.1 There are several regulatory requirements as well as codes of practice and guidance for managing concerns and complaints. The Regulatory Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) states, the first step is to speak to the care home direct. If you're not satisfied that the matter has been cleared up after an informal chat, you may make a formal complaint to your care or home. All registered care service providers must have a complaints procedure, which should have been clearly explained to the individual when they moved in. It must set out how service users or those acting on their behalf can complain about the service. The complaint should be raised with the manager of the home (registered provider) or with the Trust that has placed the individual …show more content…
• DHSSPS Service Standards: Quality standards for Health & Social Care March 2006
• DHSSPS Minimum Standards: Relevant to your service
• Domiciliary Care Agencies 2008 Standard 15
• DHSSPS (2009) Standards and Guidelines for Handling complaints; (applies equally to regulated providers)
• - Relevant Legislation: 2003, 2005, 2007
1.2 regulatory requirments, codes of practice and relevant guidance affect service provision in several ways. They help shape our policies and procedures and help us to crerate detailed P&P's to ensure we deal with any concerns in the correct manner.
Policies and procedures for dealing with concerns include:
Safeguarding Policy
Whistleblowing Policy
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As part of their induction our whistleblowing process is highlighted to them. And the importance of them coming forward should they suspect anything. They are told who our homes safeguarding champion and shown the policies and procedures which include those listed in 519 1.2. It is expalined managemnt run an open door policy and are available to discuss any areas of concern no matter how big or small. Yearly Safeguarding Vulnerable adults training also reinforces both the law on raising concerns and the the companies policies and procedures for doing
Carers have a right to an assessment if they ask or are observed as having present support needs or probable ones within the future (Care Act 2014: c.23:pt1:s10). Carers have the right to refuse an assessment if they wish so a social worker must seek their permission beforehand, yet the consent of the person in receipt of care is unnecessary. In addition social workers, bound by legislation regarding confidentiality and information sharing, must reserve the carer’s right to privacy whilst uphold their right to a fair hearing. This is achieved by only disclosing carer’s personal details to 3rd parties with consent, unless a safeguarding concern arise, for instance it is believed that the individual being cared is at risk (Human Rights Act 1998:6,8; Data Protection Act 1998). Protection for vulnerable adults is a fundamental aspect of social work practice as 50 people per hour are abused or neglected within their own home by people known to them, such as friends or family (Age UK,
is not only about their protection but that their interests are promoted. The legislations and guidance have been looked at and developed over a number of years, that have all been based around, recognition of children rights as individuals, who have their own entitlements, increasing focus on protecting vulnerable children and young people. Independent enquiries into the tragic deaths of children have led to legislation improving practice and responding to the failure of multi-agency
There are many different regulations and strategies which are used to safeguard young adults and one of these strategies is the recruitment of staff and preventing people who may harm vulnerable people from getting assess to them. for example, the adults barred list. The is a list of people which either has a high risk of harming others or a probable risk of harming others. The people on the list are barred from working in health and social care settings and around vulnerable people. There are many different places where information is received from and this may include the police, courts, or health and social services. all this information is used to decide whether they are at risk of harming vulnerable people in order to decide whether they
Both national and local guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding affect day-to-day work with children and young people in many ways. They uphold a standard of what is expected and how best to protect children and young people under the age of 18 years. Safeguarding is more than protecting children and young people from direct abuse or neglect. The wider responsibility is that the welfare of the child as a whole is protected.
Under the health and safety act everyone should be thinking about how to keep themselves, others and the environment they work in safe. Adults have a duty of care and should encourage the children to also do this, this will help increase their own awareness of what they are doing and where.
The update of 2006 report included statements from Lord Laming’s report. The protection of Children in England: A Progress Report on March 2009. It was revised to follow progress in legislation, scheme and tradition related to the safety of children. Harbouring children from misfortune and raise their well-being under this act bank on a mutual trust and useful functioning ties between different organisations.
Furthermore, they have introduced a human rights approach, which is to respect diversity, promote equality help to ensure that everyone using health and social care services receives safe and good quality care. Human rights approach will help to apply the principle of promoting equality. The CQC have a process in which you answer five key questions to consistently integrate human rights into the way they regulate, which healthcare providers must work alongside. They also have equality objectives which were introduced in 2017, the objectives are, person-centred care and equality, accessible information and communication, equal access to pathways of care and to continue to improve equality of opportunity for our staff and those seeking to join CQC, as well as patients. Also filling in a safeguarding adults review, which is a process for all partner agencies to identify the lessons that can be learned from complex or serious safeguarding adult’s cases, where an adult in vulnerable circumstances has died or been seriously injured because of abuse or neglect. At winterbourne view residential home, abuse and neglect had been made clear to the public eye and could clearly be identified, although no staff logged it as a safe guarding adult
ii. A clear framework for local safeguarding boards for monitoring local services effectiveness. iii. Guidance aims to help professionals understand what they need to do and what they can expect of one another in order to safeguard/keep children
LSCB, (2013), SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN, YOUNG PEOPLE AND VULNERABLE ADULTS POLICY, (www.safechildren-cios.co.uk), [Assessed 1 November 2013].
Health and social care professionals encounter a diverse amount of individuals who have different needs and preferences regarding their health. As professionals they must ensure that all services users, whether it is older people with dementia, an infant with physical disabilities or an adult with an eating disorder (National Minimum Data Set for Social Care, [no date]), are treated in a way that will successfully meet such needs. In fact, health and social care professionals have a ‘duty of care’ towards services users, as well as other workers, in which they must legally promote the wellbeing of individuals and protect them against harm, abuse and injury. (The Care Certificate Workbook Standard 3, [no date]) Duty of care is a legal requirement
One of the five key principles of care practice is to ‘Support people in having a voice and being heard,’ (K101, Unit 4, p.183). The key principles are linked to the National Occupational Standards for ‘Health and Social Care’. They are a means of establishing and maintaining good care practice. Relationships based on trust and respect should be developed between care receivers and care givers, thus promoting confidence whilst discussing personal matters without fear of reprisal and discrimination.
Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015 “The legislative requirements and expectations on individual services to safeguard
Federal and State laws require that nursing homes develop a plan of care and employ sufficient staffing to provide all the care listed on the care plan. Most corporate owned nursing homes today are not sufficiently staffed, and they can not provide all the care listed on the care plan. Consequently, residents are not taken to the toilet when necessary; they’re often left lying in urine and feces. They also develop painful and life-threatening decubitus ulcers, and are not fed properly, they’re not given sufficient fluids. They are also over-medicated or under-medicated, and dropped causing painful bruises and fractures, are ignored and not included in activities, are left in bed all day, call lights not answered. These are all forms of negligence, performed daily in nursing homes.
Munro (2003) states child abuse is treating a child in a way that is harmful or morally wrong however, goes on to explain it is hard to find a universal agreement of the definition of child abuse. NSPCC (2010) further explains child abuse as maltreatment of a child. This can be done directly by inflicting harm or indirectly by failing to prevent harm from happening. Abuse can be perpetrated by an adult or another child. Working Together to Safeguard Children (2013) states that it’s the responsibility of everyone who works with children to make sure that a child is safeguarded and their welfare promoted. The Purpose of this essay is firstly to discuss risk factors posed to Simone and Sasha through the scenario provided and highlight ways a professional should assess whether a child is suffering from an abusive or neglectful situation. Secondly the appropriate action that needs to be taken, and the support that needs to be given, and what services will be involved with the family in order to prevent a family brake down while safeguarding and protecting the children’s welfare, will also be discussed. Lastly this essay will draw on current legislation, guidance and procedures that promote multi– agency working in order to effectively safeguard and promote children’s welfare.
If your problem isn't resolved, follow the facility's grievance procedure. You may also want to bring the problem to the resident or family council. A Medicare and/or Medicaid-certified nursing home must post the name, address, and phone number of state groups, like these: State Survey Agency, State Licensure Office, State Ombudsman Program, Protection and Advocacy Network, Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (Medicaid, 2018) Nursing Facilities - Nursing Facility Services are provided by Medicaid certified nursing homes, which primarily provide three types of services: •Skilled nursing or medical care and related services; •Rehabilitation needed due to injury, disability, or