Reflective Summary And Analysis

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This week, I was successful this week in terms of documentation and contacts. I have been keeping up with the work. My supervisor had asked me to stay extra, and it made a big difference. Staying an extra hour is better than the five-hour work schedule because I was able to make up a lot of documentation. However, I was very tired this week, and I found that I did not have as much energy as I usually have. I created a plan to survive this week with effective time management. Speaking to patients in the morning time. Get the list of the patients on the postpartum floor, and determine if they are participants. If they are not WIC participants, I did not go into the room. At the office, I check if there are any prenatal mothers, as well as postpartum mothers waiting in the waiting area. If no one fit the criteria, then I worked on the documentation. I do find that employees give me other work on top of what I am must do because they see that I am a hard worker. Although, I know when to say “No,” but I do not say it because I want to be helpful. Also, I am under a probation period and I want to pass it. Therefore, I do the job to the best of my ability to succeed. …show more content…

She came with her mother and her two-week-old baby. She says that the first few days were very difficult, but she is slowly adjusting to the new lifestyle. She is currently breastfeeding, but only six to eight times a day. This is much lower than it should be, but at the hospital, the girl did not want to breastfeed at all. The thirteen-year-old girl will be raising the infant with the help of her family. However, she will be going back to school in a few weeks, thus raising a child is a lot more

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