Reflective Essay On Learning Identity

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Looking back through the commonplace book, it seems as though I can get a great sense of what type of learner I am and how it has influenced me throughout this semester. Through the different struggles and successes pinpointed in the unit reflections and at times in the daily writes, it is easier to have an idea of what my my learning process might have been like. One of the things that has popped up is that I am more of a kinesthetic learner and at times I can rely more on visual learning. Noticing things such as this makes the desire to look deeper into what really makes my learning identity so to speak. Each unit reflection seems to hold a lot of insight on exactly what the process for each paper provided in the learning aspect. From looking at each one individually I can see what progress was made throughout the …show more content…

In the first couple of CRQs for instance, it may be evident that I did not really care about how they turned out I was doing them to meet the obligation, but it seems as time progressed I figured out that no matter the subject putting the most effort possible into whatever it is benefits all, and helps leave more of a lasting impression. Using emotions in the papers/entries seems to play out the same way as the interest did. Being able to include emotions and being more aware But being able to go through and really look into the articles in depth has been really helpful. Going more in depth makes me think that each article I read has more behind it and makes me want to look further into it. The daily writes on the other hand seemed to provide a better thought process, learning to go off of the questions an providing good answers helped develop as well. Being able to talk about the things that may have been on my mind really helped in some

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