Reflective Essay On Constructive Feedback Assessment

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• Informal assessment

• Formal assessment
• Independent assessment
• Formative assessment
• Summative assessment
From my own experiences of being assessed, I welcomed and somewhat felt nervous that I was being evaluated by my Peers, after my micro teach my fellow peers had to give verbal feedback via a peer assessment, thankfully it was all positive and I enjoyed listening to their views and any areas I could improve on the only area which had constructive feedback on was that my video I showed was a little too long, but actually I totally agreed with this. It was refreshing to hear feedback given in order for me to improve my methods.
I have also experienced being externally assessed whilst completing my NVQ qualification, I …show more content…

• Recognition- Equality, embrace diversity, ground rules and agreeing these, group participation.
• Self-esteem- Set out clear indications of what each session will involve, relate learning to the student’s job role, discuss past experiences.
• Self-actualisation- clear aims and objectives- revisit these at the end of the session to establish these have been met, discuss how it will improve their work practise and how the student will cascade down to the rest of their team.
Feedback can be given in numerous ways, it can be done through assessment or through general constructive feedback but most of all it should be motivational and constructive. It’s important to firstly agree with the group that feedback will be discussed openly and honestly, you must be encouraging as possible, identify strengths and areas for improvements, ask the learner if there is anything they can do to improve.
I often give feedback on a daily basis within my role, I often ask a Team leader to complete a task with instruction and I then will feedback to them constructively after I have checked it through, it gives the TL ownership and the opportunity to go away and tackle a new

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