Reflective Essay: My Personal Project

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Ballet Is Therapy Introduction

What is my Personal Project based on?
The first meeting with my supervisor (Joumana Norseth) was about the long journey ahead of me. During this meeting we discussed what my passions were and what something I would like to do in the future might be, the passions I chose were dancing/movement and how it can influence and change people lives and in the future I’d like to help kids improve in dancing and become passionate about it as well. I’m also going to be learning so much throughout because I will be learning about the therapy behind it. The aim of my personal project is too push me to my limits and give me a challenge. The reason I have chosen to do something a bit complicated for me was because personal project will help me in so many other assignments in the future such as extended essay. An important peace of information that I have found useful to me is that dance has some type of therapeutic advantage to it. This caused me to become much more involved in this topic. In the future I expect to be psychologist or therapist since I like the area of therapy and I like movement and …show more content…

As you can see in my process journal (appendix A) my first goal was “To document the therapy of dancing through a photography exhibit. It will need a lot of research, time, and effort for it to be successful.” By helping other kids, then it changed to “To document the therapy of dancing and its influence on me through a photography exhibit, and presenting a performance that expressed what I am feeling so that others can relate to it.” And due to complications I have had to change it a third time which was the final and it is “To document the therapy of dancing by analyzing a ballet solo through creating a video that expresses the benefit of dancing on an

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