Reflective Essay: Math Related Learning Disabilities

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I think I have a math related learning disability. I seem to be able to learn math skills, but then I can be confident about my knowledge and ability, and suddenly the information is just gone.

I have other issues sometimes with names and faces, but the biggest problem that I have been unable to cope with is having to re-learn math over and over, and then keep failing my college classes. I seem to be okay up until I start getting into fractions, and percentages. After that, my mileage may vary.

I keep trying to explain to people that this isn't just "text anxiety" or anything like that. It doesn't usually happen during tests. It happens when I think I've learned a math skill, and am perfectly confident in my ability to do the problem. The information is just gone. I didn't have any anxiety about it. I was convinced that I knew what I was doing. …show more content…

(pre algebra and algebra 1 respectively) which led to me losing my financial aid for college. I'm at a loss of what to do, as I'm wanting to get my art degree, but that requires me to pass a college level algebra class, which I'd been trying to work up to with the other math classes.

I don't know how to get tested, have no money to get tested, my GPA is in shambles, and I have no idea where to turn to, or if there's anything I can do to ever even get a degree. I've tried tutors, that's how I managed to pass math 20, but that didn't seem to help for math classes higher than that.

So, I don't really know what I can do, but I need help. Without a college degree, it doesn't look like I can get anywhere.

DYSCALCULIA.ORG: Start with our guidance for adults with math learning disability. Also see our resources on College and Math Learning

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