Reflective Essay About Writing Class

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As I prepared to take this writing class, I wasn’t sure of what to expect. Writing has always been a challenge for me because I have never really learned how to write properly. However, after taking this course I have discovered that writing isn’t something to be feared. It is a great way of giving my thoughts and ideas life. The strategies I have learned and practiced in the class has help me to gain a better understanding of writing as a discipline.
As I apply the four ways of inquiry in my approach to writing, I am surprised at how easy it becomes to begin to drafting an essay. Simply taking the steps to explore, explain, evaluate and reflect on my writing task allows many ideas to flow freely. Following these steps helped me to quickly discover …show more content…

What situations or circumstances brought to the point of the “I believe” moment? What were the influences of my surroundings? Answering these questions help to create the introduction and body of my essay.
Next I would combine evaluation and reflection in the preparation of the essay. Evaluating my experience and reflecting on how to present it was somewhat of a challenge. While taking this class online is convenient, it lacks the personal interaction with other members of the class. Interaction with other members of the class would definitely help in brainstorming and sharing on ideas. Nonetheless I truly learned a great deal from the book and activities for the course. The section of revising was a big help in shaping and refocusing the essay.
Revising the essay help me to look over the information provided and consider if it was presented in a manner which could be easily understood. I noticed that the more I read the draft that the more I would change the word usage. I realized there were better word choices to convey the story better. I was also able to adding more information for clarity and structure, which would help the flow and feel of the

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