Reflective Essay: 8 Best Practices

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Business management practices contribute to goal achievements because it is a good way to practice your goals. Business management also practices organizational success because by being in business management, you should be organized. In the simulation that I experienced, by doing things step by step to learn, really helped when I got to the the last simulation when I was running it by myself. I felt organized because I was setting up each room one-by-one, and I did things in the right order. I also practiced my goals because I was being responsible and doing things basically on my own. It was hard, but I stayed committed which is also one of my goals. In the article, 8 Best Practices in Business Management, it states, “Lencioni labels this lack of commitment the ‘third dysfunction’ of team dynamics. It can lead to poor decision making and stifle productivity.” This quote is showing that not staying committed and involved can have a negative effect. …show more content…

Management is when you are in control of things or people, and basically, you are in charge and have people who work for you. Leadership is the leading of a group of people or organization. My management style was to be more of a manager than a leader because I had to be strict with some of my employees and be the boss. Also, they weren’t following me in the simulation, they were working for me. While running my business I was also showing leadership because I was leading my employees in the right direction to have a successful business. In the article, Understanding the Differences: Leadership Vs. Management, it states, “The main difference between leaders and managers is that leaders have people follow them while managers have people who work for them.” This quote shows that they are similar, but they have their

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