Reflection: Your Minds Your Worldview Based On Its Conditioning

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Reflection #3:
Your Mind creates your Worldview based on “its” Conditioning.
“Once you realize that the world is your own projection, you are free of it. You need not free yourself of a world that does not exist, except in your own imagination! However the picture, whether beautiful or ugly, you are painting it and you are not bound by it. Realize that there is nobody to force it on you, that it is due to the habit of taking the imaginary to be real. See the imaginary as imaginary and be free of fear.” Nisargadatta,
The mind’s conditioning reflects “Habituated Unconsciousness”, NOT your Essence. The mind creates everything in its image… and its image is based upon its conditioning. Who you think you are has actually been created …show more content…

It makes up who you THINK you are! That is, it makes believe that your true nature is the “body/ego/mind unit” rather than the eternal spirit in the form of the witnessing soul. In other words, it makes up the personalized, separate sense of self, (i.e. the ego) and you falsely assume it to be your essence.
With that being said, it also makes up the identities and identifications that you “identify” with. It makes up the roles and the role players in your drama, in your waking life and in your dreams. It creates your play and the endless stories you tell yourself and …show more content…

That is, you have been conditioned to believe it. If you ask it who or what you are, it will certainly give you an assortment of ideas, thoughts, opinions and options you can be. If you reject one it will find another and another and another until you, as it, are satisfied. But how could any thought or set of thoughts know who or what you are? How can a thought or set of thoughts possibly know?
Does your existence, your very beingness itself require a thought to tell you? How could it? It’s just a thought. How does that recognize “being”? How can anyone else know who or what you are when they don’t know who or what they are? Instead, you inherit and adopt a bunch of beliefs based more on fantasy than actuality. If you believe you are your conditioning, you are living a lie.
If you think you are the body/ego/mind unit which is finite and temporal, that too is just another form of conditioning and ultimately that conditioning will die along with the body/ego/mind unit’s physical death. Everything in mind has been conditioned, that’s what is in it. It is a bio-computer. It has been programmed…

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