Reflection Paper On Child Observation

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Child Observation and Game While thinking about this assignment many ideas popped into my head about what I could teach however, I wanted to conduct a study that was not only fun and exciting but also educational and beneficial to the future of this child. When it came to choosing a target audience, I wanted to work with someone that was around the age that I want to teach. My son fit perfectly into that category. Initially it was my goal to observe him conducting two activities, these activities were chosen based on their ability to pique the interests of a 4 year old. During the observation phase of the study, I planned to explore the different theorists that we had learned about in class and put my knowledge to test. I used Piaget, Vygotsky, …show more content…

He relies on seeing what is in front of him, he can see how many pieces he has and where his pieces need to end up in the end. After playing the game trouble a couple of times I began to see how he started to become egocentric. He started to play the game in ways that he would win, he started cheating because he knew the rules of the game and how to use them to help him win. He was thinking of ways to make himself win, from his point of view and no one else. Not only did this show Joseph is egocentric but this also made me think about Kohlberg and his moral …show more content…

Teaching young children is quite time consuming, along with a very patient task. Not only are these young children learning about how the world works, but they are also learning about who they are as people, and learning to think about others as well. Majority of these children have spent their lives being catered to, to where everything is all about them. So it is only natural for them to be egocentric at this age. It will be my job as a teacher and a parent to teach these children how to think about other people in this world and go from a pre-conventional thought process to a conventional one. As a teacher to make sure that every child might be on a different level cognitively and socially. Children at this age will just be learning about moral reasoning, realizing the world does not revolve around them. I will constantly need to strive to make sure I am pushing children to their Zone of Proximal Development, and if they are not there I need to figure out how to get them there by scaffolding them. Each child will be a unique individual and it will be my goal as a teacher to help them reach their full potential, while making sure they are not being pushed too

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