Reflection Paper About Technology

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Technology has become an important part of our lives, and from work to school to home you will come across using technology at some point. While, some people are technology proficient and catch on well to all the new advances that come and go, I unfortunately am not one of those people. Personally, I struggle with using technology and I like learning one way and sticking to that way when it comes to anything dealing with the internet and technology. Due to the lack of information I know about technology, I have come across some challenges while enrolled in school one being the ability to surf the web and find good information on the internet. I came to a realization about halfway through writing a literary analysis paper for my writing 121 …show more content…

I had already written about two and a half pages of this paper all with the articles I had printed out, and decided I should email my professor just for reassurance I was doing it right. It was brought to my attention from my professor that I wasn't doing it completely correct. The way I was writing my paper and the ideas weren't incorrect but of course my sources were not what she was looking for and were most likely not credible or proven, more likely just opinions of randoms on the web. With two and a half pages done, and hours of looking up sources, printing them and analyzing them, it is safe to safe I was extremely frustrated and was again at lost of what to …show more content…

I knew I wasn't super advanced in technology and finding information on the internet, but until about halfway through my literary analysis I didn't know that I basically had no idea how to research something. Not only did this obstacle cause me to realize the weakness but also taught me how to overcome it and has pushed me towards becoming more technology savvy, and has given me a little motivation to want to learn more about technology and how technology really is here to help and not make things worse. However, the key is knowing how to use it to make it beneficial. How the realization of this weakness will help me in schooling is my ability to write papers down the road requiring research or internet based information will be significantly easier for me and save me lots of time and more time on revising and making my papers better and personally it gave me a stepping stone towards a new important

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