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Response to: “In Google We Trust”
Andrea Schlesinger’s, “In Google We Trust” a chapter in her book The Death of Why? The issue is that the internet has changed people and that it may not be a good thing. Google has changed the way that people think greatly, especially in our ability to analyze, understand and know the source of the information we receive from google.
I agree with Schlesinger when she suggests that “we have come to believe that wisdom is accessible somewhere on a web page, if only we find the right one” (58). I feel that we have been taught that the answer to everything is on the internet and all we have to do is type a question into a search box press enter and the answer shall magically appear. However there isn’t always
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an answer, not every question has already been answered, and yet no one seems to take the time to go out to figure out their own answers, and to explore for themselves rather than simply looking it up on the internet. It’s like looking up how to do brain surgery rather than going out and getting a degree and actually hands on learn to be a brain surgeon. Schlesinger uses a quote from Marcel Proust to show that “we do not receive wisdom, we must discover it for ourselves, after a journey through the wilderness which no one else can make for us, which no one can spare us, for our wisdom is the point of view from which we see the world”(58).
I can relate to this because every time that I have been asked to do research for a paper, the first thing I turn to is the internet. I don’t think that I have ever once gone out to find or discover my own information. The closest I have ever gotten to actually going out to find information was once in my cols class when we were all assigned a college resource to go to and ask someone working there what they are “all about”. I love that Schlesinger is concerned about this issue, I am too, and this worries me because one day my generation will be running the whole world and if we believe the answer to everything is on the internet what happens when we come across a question that the internet can’t answer? Will we leave it unanswered and simply forget about it or will we be able to go out and find the answers for ourselves. Kind of like Schlesinger askes “will we grow accustomed to only asking questions that we know we can answer by using out cell
phones?”(59). Another point Schlesinger brings up through an anecdote is from a librarian Emily Drabinski, about a student who asks for help researching Courtesan for a paper: “at one point the two were looking at a book on the screen, with the keyword courtesan highlighted in yellow as book search does, when the student asked, ‘how do I know this is about what I need it to be about’ Drabinski asked, ‘what do you mean’, ‘well I see my words highlighted, but does that mean this is relevant?’ […] ‘She had to read it and think about it. She didn’t seem to know, and I think that that’s internet related’ ” (65-66). This resonates with me because it really made me feel for her and her concern for students and how students use their resources just because the keywords are highlighted doesn’t mean that it is going to be relevant to what you are looking for. To me it’s like asking what the factors of 144 are and expecting only one right answer when there are clearly multiple answers and it would need more information than that in order for someone to come up with the one right answer they are looking for. For instance when Schlesinger brings up the way students “search for information as ‘horizontal, bouncing, checking and viewing in nature. Students demonstrate little concentration, little attempt to actually engage with content.’ “(63). I have been in a similar situation once when trying to do research for a paper, I couldn’t seem to find anything I thought was relevant because I wasn’t reading carefully enough. All of my key terms seemed to be used in the wrong context when I asked my teacher for help he pointed out to me that everything was actually in the context I wanted it to be, I just didn’t read it carefully enough to understand what it was really saying. I wanted to mention this because I think that students inability to read into something to see if its relevant is a direct result of bouncing from page to page to quickly they see the keywords they simply print that off and move on without ever actually analyzing because they assume that if there key terms are is must be what they are looking for. I can academically connect to Schlesinger when she brings up that students don’t question who/where their information is coming from. She states that “it’s not that they couldn’t figure whether the source was credible if they wanted to; it’s that they didn’t think to question the legitimacy and accuracy of the information they got through their search engines.”(69). I can connect to this because last year (my senior year) in my English class before our final paper we had a discussion about this issue, everyone seemed to know that you shouldn’t use Wikipedia to get any answers off the internet, but not many of us knew that most of the sites that Google will give you are just like Wikipedia, and when he asked that no one use Google at all to do our research at first I was kind of upset about it, but then he introduced us to Academic data bases. I loved using our academic data bases because you can specify more of your search by putting what you are looking for and what you aren’t looking for along with what kind of site you would like the information to come from (.Edu, .Gov, ECT.) which helps you know you are getting information from a more “credible” source. I think that not learning how to use academic data bases earlier rather than in my senior year really sucked for me because had I learned it earlier I would have been able to use them for much more than one paper in all of my 18 years. Not only that but I didn’t always question my sources, and it makes me wonder how many papers I had written before then that could have been really funny for my English teacher to read if I used a source that didn’t know what they were talking about, or was all together just not “credible” or I didn’t understand what the person was saying and wrote a bunch of non-sense. I also learned that anyone can put an answer on any one of these sites, including myself, which means that what you get from these sites might not be the right answer or even an answer at all for instance I could write that the holocaust never happened on a page about kwanza, or I could even write that gay marriage is wrong on a page about tortoises, but what is the most upsetting part is that a seventh grader could open the page about tortoises and print it off to use it without even knowing that it says gay marriage is wrong somewhere on the page, simply because they didn’t take the time to read it carefully enough to question the source. This is another reason why it’s important to fully analyze, understand, and know what the source of what you are reading. So has google changed us for better or for worse, will the internet expand our abilities or stop them in their tracks, will the negative effects of the internet be reversed by the positive. Will we be able to stop the internet from changing everything about the way we understand, analyze and know the sources of our information?
In composing “Is Google Making Us More Stupid” Nicholas Carr wants his audience to be feared by the internet while at the same time he wants his work to seem more creditable. Nicholas Carr uses many different types of evidence to show us that we should be scared and feared as well as his credibility. Carr’s audience is people who think like him, who find themselves getting lost on the internet while reading something, someone who is educated and uses the internet to look up the answers to questions or to read an article or book.
...second using the search engine, people lose their motivation to read and the attention to think about the answer. (Crovitz 353) In Plato’s Phaedrus, Greek philosopher Socrates claims that people who get information without proper instruction as ignorant since they only conceit of the answer instead of the wisdom to find out and understand the answer. (Carr 341) With such access to information, we do spread information and expand human knowledge in a rapid rate. However, we lose our creativity, intelligence and the spirit of inquiry.
The argument that the web is to blame for making us dumb by Nicholas Carr convinces his audience that they might succumb to becoming braindead due to excessive online clicking. Hopping from link to link never fully understanding the content. While Michael Rosenwald points out that we are slowly molding the brain to only skim and search for key words to put together. With these two programed ways our brains work soon libraries and book stores will cease to exist. Or will they? Clay Shirky challenges this thought by saying that among the cat videos and conspiracy theories there lies true gold within the websites of the internet. The gold consists of scientific journals and a place to discuss anything and everything. A community to share ideas and culture. Has the internet changed your brain for the
Nicholas Carr’s “Is Google Making Us Stupid” and Sherry Turkle’s “How Computers Change the Way We Think” both discuss the influence of technology to their own understanding and perspective. The first work by Nicholas Carr is about the impact technology has on his mind. He is skeptical about the effect it could cause in the long term of it. He gives credible facts and studies done to prove his point. While Sherry Turkle’s work gives a broad idea of the impact of technology has caused through the years. She talks about the advances in technology and how it is changing how people communicate, learn and think. In both works “Is Google Making Us Stupid” and “How Computers Change the Way We Think” the authors present
The internet is our conduit for accessing a wide variety of information. In his article, “Is Google Making Us Stupid,” Nicholas Carr discusses how the use of the internet affects our thought process in being unable to focus on books or longer pieces of writing. The author feels that “someone, or something, has been tinkering with [his] brain” over the past few years (Carr 731). While he was easily able to delve into books and longer articles, Carr noticed a change in his research techniques after starting to use the internet. He found that his “concentration often [started] to drift after two or three pages” and it was a struggle to go back to the text (Carr 732). His assertion is that the neural circuits in his brain have changed as a result of surfing endlessly on the internet doing research. He supports this statement by explaining how his fellow writers have had similar experiences in being unable to maintain their concentrations. In analyzing Carr’s argument, I disagree that the internet is slowly degrading our capacity for deep reading and thinking, thereby making us dumber. The Web and Google, indeed, are making us smarter by allowing us access to information through a rapid exchange of ideas and promoting the creativity and individualization of learning.
The following essay will discuss how the ideas in “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr, is expressed in the futuristic novel Feed, by M.T Anderson.
Carr, Nicholas. "Is Google Making Us Stupid." July/August 2008. The Alantic Magazine. 20 February 2012 .
In Is Google Making Us Stupid? Nicholas Carr discusses how the increase and development in technology has shaped the way we do and think about certain things within our society. He tells us how as a society we have grown dependent on technology and look to it for almost everything we may need. Whether it is for an answer to a question, advice, a sickness diagnosis or when we have to do research, our first instinct is to look to the world wide web. He links the fact that people have tried to create a more efficient work ethic within different fields when it comes to hands on work, but that ideology has also flooded into our thinking towards the virtual side. Society has shown us that it is acceptable to look to the web as our primary source.
In “Google never forgets: a caution tale,” Max Fawcett (2006) has cautioned readers to be careful of what you publish on the Internet. In the first part of this essay, he mentioned about the internet makes the digital equivalent of a dishonest diary to record your life knowledge, your opinions, and your shameful stories. It is catastrophic when you can not control over the biography’s content. Also, Google can keep everything that you posted many years ago, and they are coming behind of you same as a shadow. In the second part, he tried to explain to us that some of the information in the Internet are fake, unclear and outdated. The author used from Napa Valley as an example that “superior code is also ruthlessly efficient at finding every reference, however obscure, tangential or dated it might be, when an individual’s name is searched.” The author also stated that he made a website in 1998 and after a while and specifically in 2004 he came to search for himself and he discovered that Google still has this information kept in its memory. He also tried to clarify that Google can be a reason for an employee’s termination or job refusing when his/her boss or interviewer search about their background and find some negative feedbacks on their weblog.
If only my local library could hold the vast quantity of information that my hand held smart phone does. Carr insinuates that Google (and the internet) is making us stupid. I say they are making us lazy. In “Is Google Making Us Stupid” by Nicholas Carr informatively states that with the advancement of technology, Google search engine, and the internet we are become more distracted—with all the different forms of flash media, the amount of hyper-links after hyper-link after hyper-links, and clickable adds-- in turn we are doing less critical reading by way of the internet as opposed to a printed book. Being able to glance over several articles in hour’s verses days looking through books; being able to jump from link to link in order to get the information you need, never looking at the same page twice has decrease out deep thinking and reading skills. Now days, all forms of reading, e.g. newspaper, magazine, etc. are small amount of reading to get the main idea of what’s going on and if you would like more information you will have to go to another page to do so. In the end, C...
Information is everywhere now and days. Everything is on google. When we are in pain or need help building something, we can just look it up and everything will be at the palm of our hands. The only time we need experts is when we are in real need of help. This can be a good thing because it just goes to show you how easy it is to learn and gain more knowledge, but it’s also terrible because how much knowledge is necessary until we can call ourselves an “expert.” I think part of the problem lies between those who are open minded and those who are single minded. Some people after doing some research here and there, assume they know it all or there isn’t much else to it and this is the problem why we are losing faith in our “experts.” It is important to get a fuller picture of loss in need of our experts because of how easily information can be accessed. IN order to get a
more we run to search engines for answers the less we shall learn . Technology has taken the place of many students’ brains which causes them to think they are dumb. This leads to the need of searching for answers online at all
In the book of Ecclesiastes we are told, "Of making many books there is no end; and much study is weariness to the flesh." (Eccles. 12:12) If we compare web sites to books, then it follows that there is no end to the amount of information put onto the Internet, and that studying, or, browsing the Internet is tiring. Additionally, we read, "For in much wisdom is much grief: and he who increases knowledge increases anxiety." (Eccles. 1:18) The sheer quantity of information found on the Internet must increase our knowledge and this we read - that anxiety follows. Bacon's tells us that what we need is not quantity, but quality of information plus a corrective spice.
The two companies that created these search engines have billions of dollars and numerous other resources at their disposal available for the research, the development and the innovation of their products or services. But even if you have all the funds in the world at your fingertips, if you have a bad brand image in the consumers eyes your brand will have extreme difficulty inserting itself in the market. So how does the public perceive these brands?
We as human beings enjoy finding the easy way to do things. Instead of looking through hundred of pages in books for information, you can simply type your question into Google and get your answer in seconds. The internet 's search engines may not find the answer to an exact question instantly, but it will provide millions of different websites that will have information on the topic. Some people say that’s making us more lazy, we look at three different websites and if we can’t find it we