Reflection On The Last Lecture

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The last lecture was written by a man named Randy Pausch. He was born on October 23, 1960 and died on July 25, 2008. Randy was assisted by a man named Jeffrey Zaslow. Today, I will be reviewing the story of his last few months of life. Although it’s sad, I love this book, my brother gave it to me because he thought it would be a good lesson for me to learn.

Jai Pausch, the wife of Randy, had three children together, being Dylan, Jacob, and Chloe. Jeffrey Zaslow, the man who assisted Randy in creating this book, was a reporter for the New York Times. Michelle Reiss was a psychologist who helped Randy and Jai through their tough times.

Randy Pausch was diagnosed with cancer, having ten tumors on his liver. Although he decided to move his family to Virginia to be closer to family, before moving, he was given the opportunity for a “Last Lecture.” Randy accepted, fought over it for a bit with Jai, and finally went. He decided to make the “Last Lecture” for his children to know they’re loved, even though he isn’t there to show them. …show more content…

Although Randy was dying, he wanted them to know he loved them, and that there is a long life ahead of them that they can look forward to. In Randy’s “Last Lecture” he expresses how much love he has for his family, and how much he wishes he could be there, and teach them throughout their life. Nevertheless, this hits close to home, because my parents had gotten divorced when I was young. Luckily for me, my dad didn’t pass away, but it’s hard without a father to love you. That is one of the reasons I love this

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