The Problem with Lecturing: A Rhetorical Analysis

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When I first read the title of the article “The Problem with Lecturing” I was immediately drawn to the subject at hand. Being a student who has struggled in the past with the teaching method of lecture classes, I was curious as of what aspect Emily Hanford was going to write about. I was curious to see what appeal she would use to make her point. Would she use ethos, logos, pathos or a combination of all three? And at what point would her kairos moments appear. To my delight, Emily touched base on may different aspect of the problem with lecturing including, but not limited to, testing understanding once lectured (ethos), professors taking the matter to heart of its lack of effectiveness (pathos) , and the importance of professors changing the way they teach/lecture in a classroom setting(logos). Hanford also remarked that Professors have long been aware of the problem with lecturing student, but most are not sure of how to make the needed change. While others feel there is no need make changes to what is, as they believe is “working well”. This last statement however was not clear as what she was trying to convey in her article, which may leave the readers confused of what her actual point is. For example is she looking for a change or is she just expressing an issue that exists.

In the following paragraph, we will investigate Emily Hanford background and how it can be used as ethos toward her article. Hanford is an Education Correspondent who writes for American Radio Works (ARW). She has been writing for ARW since January 2008, specifically covering education. Hanford Has worked for several well known public radio programs such as North Carolina Public. She has received many awards for cover complex issues, such as, the 2005 ...

... middle of paper ... concern. In the end it left a very unsettling feeling about what was being done to help our future college generation almost to a point of uncertainty. However, that may have been what her point was in writing the article “The Problem With Lecturing”. Overall, the article was informative and did give enough appeals, in pathos, logos, and ethos to get the attention of this reader and inspire me to do more research on the subject. This in the end did in dead make Hanford article and appeals affective.

Works Cited

Hanford, Emily. "The Problem with Lecturing." American Radioworks. N.p., 2011. Web. 25 Feb


"Production Staff." American Radioworks. American Public Media, 2012. Web. 25 Feb 2012. .

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