Reflection On Culture And Religion

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Cultural and religious influences are linked to the process of research since culture and religion work with real concepts that can shape people’s understanding and creativity. Christians have been influenced by culture and religion when they begin a research project. Recently, studies developed by Scott Aniol have elucidated that “culture involves a style of life where tradition, religion, and moral values are interrelated. According to him, culture is the tangible expression of a society’s collective worldview. It is religion externalized. How a particular community looks at life, morality, God, mankind, and justice express itself externally in their popular visual art, literature, philosophies, and music.” Researchers support …show more content…

According to Strauss and Corbin, “choosing a research problem through the personal experience route may seem more hazardous than take a research problem suggested by literature routes. This is not true. The touchstone of your own experience may be more valuable.” A solid philosophy on research will be shaped by a personal creativeness to solve specific problems in life. One of the strengths of a personal philosophy on research is to find the truth and solve the problem.
To learn how to research could open the way to the discovery of the craft of research, which will be always relevant and never complicated. With this concept in mind people could explore their ability to create and develop a coherent research question in order to identify the truth: “Experienced researchers know that they must do more than convince us that their answer is sound. They must also show us why their question was worth asking, how its answer, help us understand some bigger issue in a new way.” This concept could reveal the real strong philosophy on research and its …show more content…

When you do research, you learn something that others do not know. So when you report it, you must think of your reader as someone who does not know it, but needs to and yourself as someone who will give her reason to want to know it.” This concept confirms that a philosophy on research also involves a continuous process of learning, where scholars will constantly seek for concrete elements that could be the foundation of his philosophy on research. Consequently, those elements will shape a successful teaching

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