I found the video “Inside the Womb” to be a really great documentary on the journey of conception to birth. Being a mother, and currently expecting another, I am very familiar with fetal development, but I found this video to be extremely informative and especially great for those who haven’t experienced it first hand or know much about it. What I find truly amazing is just how much crucial development the fetus will undergo during the embryonic period, which is within the first eight weeks of pregnancy. Some women may not even realize that they are pregnant until around that time. Especially if they find themselves in a situation where the pregnancy was unplanned. This shows why it is a good idea to prepare for a pregnancy ahead of time. It …show more content…
I think it is incredible that we have made such advancements in fetal medicine that surgeons are actually able to perform surgery on a fetus while in utero. Deformities like a cleft lip or pallet are about to be fixed in the womb before the child is even born. The video specifically shows a fetus at 26 weeks who has a hole in his diaphragm. This would cause a problem for him after birth if left unfixed because his intestines would grow into his lung cavity preventing him from being able to breath air outside of the womb. Fortunately with medical advancements, doctors were able to perform a procedure on the fetus where a balloon was placed between his diaphragm and lungs to prevent any obstruction from developing. As soon as the child is born the balloon will be removed and he will likely be able to go on without any difficulty breathing. Having access to this particular fetal procedure has increased survival of newborns with this condition by fifty percent. This is just one of many advancements in fetal medicine. We have also come a long way with premature babies, and micro preemies. Babies born at as early as 24 weeks have a more than fifty percent chance of survival. That is why 24 weeks of pregnancy is often times referred to the viability
The very low birth weight are newborns that weigh less than 3.3 pounds (1,500 grams). Unfortunately, newborns that are under 3.3 pounds (1,500 grams) do not often survive, and the ones that do have delayed motor skills and cognitive development. The numbers decrease further to extremely low birth weight of 2.2 pounds (1,000 grams), where chance of life is very small. Low birth weight babies 1,500 grams – 2,500 grams (3.3 -5.5 pounds) have a good chance they will survive with proper care. Newborns that are small-for-date are placed in incubators that are sealed beds where temperature and air quality is regulated. The beds isolate the infants from pathogens and the environment. The babies need sensory stimulation to grow, so a recorded tape is played of the mothers soothing voice. Visual stimulation from video, and tactile stimulation helps foster physical and cognitive development in the baby. At five months while the fetus is in the womb ithas sensory capabilities, and can hear the mother’s heart beating, food digestion, speaking, and others speaking to her! The incubator stimulates this environment. There is great success with proper attention and care to the low birth weight babies, and. Many of the low birth weight babies are effects of parents that live in poverty, unable to access adequate medical care, and they experience stress due to an unhealthy family life.
There is a low susses rate for a child of a maternal brain dead mother for the baby to live. When a woman is declared brain dead they are sent for burial or other final respects. In this case, however, the woman is pregnant and there is a fetus to think about. The problem lies with the susses rate of the child be born or being born without any complications. There are only 5 reported successful cases of brain death births (Lsaacson et al. 1996). The body at this point is just used for an incubator for the unborn child. The rate for the child to come out with no complications or in the body of the mother to produce complications is less than 10% (Lsaacson et al. 1996). Knowing all of this, why would one want to put their body through all of this for such a low success rate with current medical technologies.
In doing this project the literature drawn from is largely non-scholarly for the reason that I am prevailing upon the reader to think outside the box about birth. Most of the “scholarly” research that is available was written by doctors or nurses/nurse midwives who were trained in the medical model of birth. Since part of my premise is that the high rate of Cesarean sections is caused in part by viewing birth as a medical and therefore pathological event, and in part for its emergence as a capitalistic industry, it was then necessary to find literature written by people who have expertise in birthing though not from the traditional obstetrical/medical school approach.
Neonatal Palliative Care should be considered for newborns with a debilitating or constraining condition, because the rate of survival for these extremely preterm and sick newborns are low. When palliative services need to be considered, parents and family members should be counseled and educated on the services, although making a choice of this magnitude to withdraw life sustaining measures will leave a void in the hearts of many. Potential is lost and dreams are torn apart which leaves parents and family members to lament the loss. Instead of endure the pain of the loss, the family wants to hold on to the infant, when the best thing to do will be to let go.
If the mother waits until the third trimester (when the baby is more developed), then she must have Partial Birth Abortion. Using Ultra-sound, the doctor grabs the baby’s legs and forces out all but the head. Scissors are then jammed into the back of the skull and opened, creating a larger hole. A suction tube sucks the brains out, causing the skull to collapse. Then the dead baby is removed.Believe it or not, the mother is also harmed. In Suction Aspiration, if any tissue is left inside, it’ll become infected.
Mccarthy, Laura F. "What Babies Learn In the Womb." Parenting. Meredith Corporation, 2014. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.
In having the BabyThinkItOver simulator baby for a weekend I have learned so much about what it takes to raise and care for an infant. The RealCare baby helped me realize how much it really takes to be a good parent, in addition to bringing to light how many resources a real baby would consume.
It is important to understand what women commonly experience during pregnancy. With a better understanding of what happens during prenatal development and childbirth, physicians can competently develop the best plan for the mother and baby. I interviewed two women who have been previously pregnant in order to evaluate how the ideas in the book translate into real-life experiences.
The typical defect that takes place with a human affected is heart problems. In early infancy surgery needs to be taken place to avoid serious issues in the future. Atypica...
One fact I learned from the film is that our human bodies want to make babies even if we do not. Our bodies work to achieve this every day. In today’s technology the doctors as well as other people studying childbirth can take a closer look inside the body to see what is really going on and how it is happening. The new life begins when two people or two animals come together to create life. It starts with the DNA and this is what makes everyone different and not the same, this also help with the immune systems.
Reddy, U. M., Zhang, J., Sun, L., Chen, Z., Raju, T. N., & Laughon, K. (2012). Neonatal mortality by attempted route of delivery in early preterm birth. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 207(2). doi:10.1016/j.ajog.2012.06.023
Unlike vaginal birth delivery, the process of a cesarean delivery is quite different, but just as safe as giving vaginal birth (Taylor, 1). When delivering a baby using the cesarean method, there are two ways anesthetic can be used. The women can be put into an unconscious state using the anesthetic, therefore she will be asleep during the entire operation and her coach may not be present. The other way for the anesthetic to be used would be in an epidural or spinal block to temporarily numb the woman from her waist down. In this case the mother will be awake and her coach may be present to give her extra support. Once the anesthetic is working, an incision is made in the abdomen either horizontally or vertically, depending on the reason for the cesarean delivery. A vertical incision is made when the baby is in trouble and needs to be out as quickly as possible, when there is more time the horizontal incision is used. The baby is then lifted out of the uterus and gone for the APGAP procedure. The placenta is then removed and the mother’s reproductive organs are examined before closing the incision (Taylor, 1).
The responsibility of being pregnant is surely not as sever as actually having a baby but it is truly a preparation course. I feel almost scared when I go to the doctor. I keep close eyes on my food intake and eating habits, so that I can have enough supplements for both of us. I have to keep my baby safe because she can not do it on her own. I have to prepare myself for life with my baby; it is not only a mind set but also a physical one. I have to be prepared to make sacrifice and present stability in a child’s life even though I am still young. I have to face responsibility and understand it and achieve it. I have to face my fears, and run at them so that I may conquer life to the fullest. I must stand on my own feet and make my own decisions because this is my life; no this is our life.
There are many different areas to consider when preparing for and having a newborn. Whether the pregnancy was planned or unplanned or the couple is married or not, a newborn baby brings new responsibilities. Having a baby also forces people to make adjustments both financially and within the family. Parents also express concerns and expectations when having a newborn comma especially when it is their first; including what roles each parent and family member should play, how much confidence they have in their parenting skills, and how much financial strain would be placed on the family once the newborn has arrived. The newest issue in today’s society is the fact that many women are delaying childbirth and having more children in their later years of life.
The miracle of life is something most of us will experience in our lifetime. The process before actually giving birth, I think is the hardest part of the entire scenario of child bearing. This amazing experience is something that can make the individuals who are involved in the process change in so many ways. The process of giving birth, for those of you who have not experienced or will never experience it, can be very hard, long and rewarding all at the same time. To give a better description, think of eating a fireball. At first the fireball is tame and calm, but just when you least expect it the fireball becomes hot. Then, when the hot sensation becomes too much, the sweet flavor of the fireball breaks through.