Reflection In The Art Of Writing

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Writers Reflection
This class taught me that I am a writer, that I can write interesting things and that I can enjoy the writing process! I experienced two major changes during this class. The first was that I discovered my motivation for writing (which was new to me) and the second is that I became comfortable with revision. Having these two new perspectives changes my personal relationship to the art of writing, which is great for me. I think it will allow me to give my students a more authentic, rich writing experience.
Being given the opportunity to write, during class time and for homework was very special to me. With life’s business and constant expectations, I have never made the time to put my thoughts onto paper. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to. I even have multiple empty journals that I have saved for writing. I think I couldn’t quite fill those journals because when I did I never really felt satisfied with what I wrote. I knew what meaning I wanted to express but I think I didn’t know how to get it into a form that I liked. I think I was missing …show more content…

While writing the first draft I was tickled to relive an awkward experience I had with my mother in law. It was so funny to look back at it, since sixteen years had gone by. What surprised me was that every time I went back to work on it, and do another draft, I could see and remember more and more about that time in my life. It was able to understand both my mother and law and my own intents more clearly every time. Ultimately I was able to see how our individual perspectives and choices have brought us to where we are today. This internal evolution allowed my writing to become more rich and authentic because as I added more nuance and detail each time through. This piece taught me a lot about myself and a lot about the writing process. It also has encouraged me to write some other stories that I know my kids would say, “Did that really

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