Classroom Arrangement: Impact on Student Behavior & Learning

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Whole-Class Techniques
1. Arranging the classroom.
The arrangement of the classroom has a significant impact on students’ attitudes toward classroom behavior and learning. Students need the environment that is organized, neat and comfortable in order to learn and behave appropriately.
Creating such an environment entails arranging a practical physical layout that allows me to move about the classroom and interact with students, as well respond quickly and unobtrusively to student behavior that interrupts a classroom. A practical arrangement ensures that students move comfortably to the areas in the classroom where they can obtain materials and work respecting personal space. (Rule 3, 4) Also, arrangement should support the type of academic …show more content…

*Dojo or tokens are given to students on a regular basis for following the rules and expectations. Using tokens will also simplify my daily work because I can use tokens when I need a student to e.g. run irregular errands, bring something from the other part of the room, participate in the role play, etc. after gathering a specific number of tokens, students will get a price – a school supply, sticker, small trinket or a candy (if the school policy allows it), reading time, computer time.
**Golden Thumbs Up are consistent with a school policy. The whole class can earn it for exceptionally good behavior and they are given by staff members. After collecting ten rewards, student can have extra recess on Friday or can bring their toys and have 15 minute-play time on Friday afternoon.
***Gems – The entire class can earn blue and golden gems if as a whole they are following the Rules and my expectations together as a class. Student will earn one to three gems, and the Expert of the day will put them to a special vase. When the vase is filled with gems, students will have a choice of rewards. Some examples are: watching a movie, pajama party, eating lunch with the teacher, or having their picture taken with the

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