Referential Polysemy: Types, Meaning And Means

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There are many types of polysemy, some of which view the polysemous word as having primary meaning and secondary meaning, i.e. the meaning which a word refers to in the external world and what it refers to in the second understanding of the word. Other types of polysemy can be dealt with lexically, i.e. these types view the literal meaning and the figurative meaning of the polysemous word. Accordingly, there is referential polysemy, and lexical polysemy which is subdivided into linear polysemy and subsuming polysemy. 2.6.1 Referential polysemy: It means that the objects can be viewed from a number of points of view, for instance, the word piano can be viewed as a music instrument or as a piece of furniture. This type is called referential polysemy (Cruse, 1995:111). 2.6.2 Lexical polysemy: According to Cruse (1995:111), this type of polysemy occurs when the lexical item refers to objects that we think of as being somehow related. Cruse (1995:111) states that lexical polysemy is of two types: Linear polysemy: …show more content…

For instance, mouse has a literal meaning as in mouse-rodent, where the literal meaning of mouse is the rodent. And it has derived or figurative meaning as in computer-mouse. For example, the literal meaning of mouse is the rodent; a derived meaning is the computer mouse. Another example is the word bed can be used literally as a piece of furniture that you lie on, it is also something flat at the bottom of something else, like a river bed, or a place where something can be found in abundance, like a shellfish bed, or a bed of roses in a figurative way.. According to this point of view, words do possess a literal meaning; all other meanings are merely derived and figurative (Cruse,

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