Reconstruction Dbq

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Reconstruction Era “I feel incompetent to perform duties. which have been so unexpectedly thrown upon me.” This quote from Andrew Johnson depicts how many people felt during the Reconstruction Era. It was a very stressful time that could be described as a rollercoaster. There were good times and not-so-good times. The Reconstruction Era started at the end of the Civil War, from 1865 to 1877. Its main goal was to make the southern states a part of the Union again, which would ensure slaves would get rights and opinions towards them would change. Reconstruction is a long and hard process. The Reconstruction Era had many accomplishments that were made possible by various leaders. Congress established the Thirteenth Amendment, which abolished slavery for good. They also …show more content…

He made the Ten Percent Plan of Reconstruction, which stated that southern states would need to reunite with the Union if 10 percent of the electorate signed loyalty pledges and agreed to emancipation. They would also need to receive presidential pardons. After this, he was part of making the Reconstruction Act come to life. Lincoln was a great help during the Reconstruction Era, creating a solid foundation for it while he could. Lincoln was assassinated on April 15, 1865, so Andrew Johnson was the next president to take over. Johnson was not as fond of Reconstruction as Lincoln. Even so, he created his form of reconstruction based on Lincoln's Ten Percent Plan. This plan was forgiving and allowed Southern states to have elections, and they were also able to have representatives in Washington. This plan, however, was not accepted. Johnson attempted to veto many things passed by Congress and ultimately began to make people mad. He was not helping the reconstruction process, and this eventually led to his impeachment. Another person who helped with Reconstruction, but also made some questionable decisions was Ulysses S.

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