Reconstruction Dbq

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The souths conditions after the war were horriable, as if there wasnt a south to even begin with. After the civil war the land was in ruins and destroyed by the north, William Techumseh Sherman had burned everything from the Mississippi to the Georgia coast committing rampant war crimes along the way and even burned Atlanta to the ground! Confederate currency was useless, which led to banks being pointless even though they were already ruined. Then there wasnt any law or authority, many slaves ran and became free which lossed in total at least two billion dollars worth and governments bassicly vanquished. Reconstrusction was absolutly needed. Buildings were destroyed which ment they had to be repaired, seeing as most of the war was fought in the south. They also had to find some way they could bring …show more content…

For once the nation could be considered united even though part of it was still so broken and injured. Most of the southern states created new constitustions which ratified the amendments and finally pledged alligence to the Union. It settled many state fights that were going on since the 1700's. It was finally a nation. Reconstruction also failed in numerous ways as well. The north didnt effectivly rebuild the the south completely and just gave it what it needed to start up again which really gave the south a slow start. Many slaves got away free during this time and because the south then had to follow the rights of the amendments their natural nature took place even after promising equality for blacks, it bothered them because they were not use to it and many groups such as the KKK and many other white supremecy groups began to scare freed slaves and push back their liberties. The main Idea and spect of the Reconstruction was to be able to bring the rebel states back within the union and help the slaves that were free become apart of society. Even thought they had much abuse this main idea was mainly tended

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