Reconstruction Dbq Essay

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Reconstruction was a time after the Civil War focused on rebuilding the country, mainly in the South as that is where most of the battle was fought. This 12-year period of reconstruction lasted from 1865 to 1877 where it not only focused on building cities and towns but restoring equality and unity between all the people. Many groups, such as the high-ranking Confederates who wanted to stay separated, tried to lead reconstruction. But for the Radical Republicans, civil equality for the freedmen was the main goal for them. Furthermore, equality for previously enslaved people was a major part of reconstruction, ensuring that they had equal political, economic, and social equality. Even though the major efforts of reconstruction they ultimately failed …show more content…

Ultimately, their attempts to achieve economic equality, they shut down due to a lack of funding and racism. Showing that even a valiant effort could not persist through the major racism and attempts to stop it in the South. In the end, African Americans were not able to achieve economic equality. The 14th Amendment was passed to give African Americans equal rights and protection against the government. This amendment was added to the Constitution in 1866 as an attempt to grant Freedmen equal rights. In Document B we can see that the 14th Amendment states, “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws”. Showing that equal rights were at one point in time allowed, with no consequences. This was great at the time until white supremacy groups started to pop up, these racist groups were created to try and prevent African Americans from getting these rights granted by the 14th

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