Embracing Personal Growth: The Value of Persistence

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For instance, even if you are in an intimate relationship, and you choose to have an indifferent relationship with them instead of a passionate one, you are choosing to be nobody important to them. You are not making their life better or affecting them in a positive way. You are simply there and in their life. Why not remember your importance and stand out in their life?

7. Do What Feels Important

"What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight; build it anyway."

Often we avoid doing something good because we feel like it may all crumble and our efforts will be in vain. The truth is that everything might crumble! All the hard work you put in might have nothing to show for it. But, there is something more valuable that you will gain in the process.

When you spend years doing anything, you build knowledge, skills, and awareness. Those are things that can never be taken away from you. That means that if you had to do it all over again, you could. In fact, you could do it faster and better the second time around. So, don 't view any effort you put forward as a waste of time. Everything you do has benefit, even if you have nothing to show for it in the end, you can still feel the growth that you have experienced inside.

8. Recognize The …show more content…

It will help you decide if you are just buying something because you can or because you really need it. If you feel guilty, then you probably don 't need it. You probably could spend a small portion of that money to help someone else out to get something that they actually do need. And in doing so, you get much more than you would if you were to spend it on that thing that you don 't really need. You will get the satisfaction of helping someone else and knowing that you did something good in the world, and that will boost your self-worth and, in turn, help you make even more money, which is a win-win for

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