Receiving Feedback From Students and Parents

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Receiving Feedback From Students and Parents Collecting feedback from both students and parents are an integral part of building a learning program that best serves the school. Teachers can use feedback to modify their strategies, methods or content or use feedback to gain an idea of where a student sees him/herself There are moves towards designing and "modifying reporting systems to more effectively communicate what students are learning and how well they are learning." (Lake, K & Kafka , K, 1996, p. 90) There are numerous and varied reporting and assessing systems being implemented all over the United States, but it should be noted that most new methods encourage a more parent and student feedback and/or involvement focus. An example of one such approach is being implemented in Mountainview Elementary School. In Mountainview Elementary School, West Virginia, the entire reporting system was revised and replaced with a more parent involved approach. Parents were fully informed about the new reporting system before implementation and several questions and answer seminars were held to attend to any queries or concerns that parents may have had. Progress reports were sent home but opportunities for parent and teacher conferences, both before and after the issue of the reports, were strongly encouraged so as teachers could use the feedback constructively. At the end of the school year parents were asked to fill out a questionnaire regarding the new reporting system. "By asking for parent feedback at the end of the school year, the teachers got information to use the next year as they continued to revise the reporting system."... ... middle of paper ... students and the parents. However it is equally important that we provide opportunities to both parents and students to give us, the teachers, feedback on our teaching methods, content and strategies. In addition, parents are relying and trusting in teachers to assist their children in reaching their full potential. It is important for parents to feel that they are playing an active role in the educational development of their child. As teachers, we should make available opportunities for parents to give feedback and responses to all aspects of our teaching. This must be done in order for parents to secure the trust that they invest in us as teachers. By inviting feedback from both students and parents we keep an open mind about our teaching as well as address concerns about all areas of teaching and learning.

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