Reasons for Curfew Laws

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Imagine yourself driving to your friend’s house after curfew hours and suddenly you get pulled over by the police. The police officer hands you a ticket. Then you think to yourself, I wasn’t doing anything wrong. The police tells you go home and to never do this again. You wonder why. In the late 1800s, William the Conqueror introduced curfew laws. He wanted curfew to be a normal part of social life in England. The purpose of curfew laws was to keep peace and to prevent fires that could ruin the citizens (Daytime Curfew). The first youth curfew was adopted by Omaha, Nebraska in 1880 (Favro). Most states have curfew laws.
Juvenile curfew laws are local rules that forbid people of certain age from being in public during certain hours (Reuters). The punishment for juvenile curfew laws are fines, community service, restriction from driving license privileges, and possible detention in jail or juvenile hall (Reuters). Some people disagree about curfew laws. Curfew laws aren’t fair. Parents don’t like curfew laws because parents care about their teens. They also don’t want anything to happen to their children. Teens can do drugs, weed, cocaine, and alcohol during curfew time. Curfew won’t resolve all the teen’s problem. It takes away teen’s freedom and doesn’t help. Curfew laws are essential to juvenile’s safety. Curfew laws are beneficial and should be upheld.
In order to help parents with their teens, curfew laws are a way for parent to not worry about their juvenile at night during curfew time. Curfew laws assist parents. When the child breaks the curfew law, the child’s parents may receive a heavy fine or even jail time (Burgess). Curfew laws give structures to teens. “Children can experience structure by following curfew rules at a...

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