Should teenagers be restricted to a curfew? That's a question many parents question themselves. What is my son up? What is my daughter doing? How do I know if they're safe? What time will he/she be home? When following curfews, teens tend to stay out of trouble more because criminal activity or high-risk behaviors is more likely to occur later in the evening when parental supervision is not present. Therefore teenagers need have a curfew, imposing curfews would help keep young teens out of trouble legally, set strict boundaries, and provides safety.
How can a curfew keep my young teenager from doing illegal activities? Having a curfew provides teens with a limited amount of time to commit any criminal offenses.
Recently there has been several incidents that've been discussed on the news about gangs and young teens fighting; although fights are commonly known to most people as using your fist and only your fist, teens today involve weapons which can have very deadly consequences. These gang fights usually occur when policemen are obscure or at late hours in the evening. In some areas in the U.S where curfews are not reinforced community vandalism is present. Vandalism is at an all time high among teens; vandalism includes damaging property, stealing street signs, egging homes or cars, spraying graffiti on public places, ect. In many cities crime rates among teens have declined at substantial amounts. The U.S Conference of Mayors surveyed mayors in 347 cities with curfews and found that 88 percent of the cities found that curfews made their streets safer for residents. While only 72 of the 347 cities had daytime curfews, 100 percent of those cities showed a decrease in truancy and daytime crime. Gang related problems also d...
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...ld you react if you found out they had been a victim of a horrific crime?
Teenagers should definitely have a curfew, imposing curfews will help keep teens out of trouble legally, sets strict boundaries, and provides safety. You should talk to as many people as possible and make them aware of the dangers of not having a curfew. Be a fellow citizen and help your community stop teen crimes and crimes of teens being victims.
Works Cited
Pickett, Theresa. "What Kind of Trouble Can Teens Get in If They Do Not Have a Curfew?" EHow. Demand Media, 18 June 2011. Web. 13 Mar. 2014.
"Teen Vandalism |." Middle Earth. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2014.
"Handling Curfews." BYU David O. McKay School of Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2014.
Ricks, Delthia. "Study: Texting While Driving Now Leading Cause of Death for Teen Drivers." Newsday. N.p., 8 May 13. Web. 13 Mar. 2014.
As shown above, curfew laws can play a very critical role in a teenager’s life. It can assist with keeping the city safer, help them get enough sleep, and help them build their personal skill under a well-structured system routine. A lot of people might find curfew laws for teenagers unconstitutional and contradict the first amendment, so they decide not to abide with it. But by doing so, they are placing more a bigger experience to teenagers who are still working on developing their skills to take on new challenges. After all, Teenagers are the future of our society if we don’t teach, coach, direct, and offer guidance their future will be unstable and unproductive and that will affect the entire nation.
Lesile, Katie. "Teen Curfews: Protect Teens, Curb Crime, or Just Peace of Mind?" Atlanta News, Sports, Atlanta Weather, Business News. N.p., 13 June 2011. Web. 22 May 2014. .
Today, teen curfews are commonplace and supported by voters. Bainbridge observes that according to Jet Magazine’s survey taken in 2011, 75% of the voters were in support of curfew laws (13). Parents arrange for young children to go to bed at an earlier time than teenagers ( Teens receive the privilege to stay up later but this can mean that they will be out on the streets later at night. McKinny indicates that curfews are in place to protect the youth from crimes that may harm them or take the children’s lives (
They open up the doors to a new discussion that explores the idea of not punishments for crimes they commit, but preventing them before they take place. Staying after school, involved in productive activities seems to help students stay out of trouble. Curfews are imposed in some states, preventing juveniles from being out past a certain time until a time early the next day. These curfews are said to be in place in order to prevent crimes, but there are no statistics to back this up, as there are for the crime rate dropping with kids staying after school. Regardless, these are matters of precaution taken in order to attempt to prevent crimes from happening at the times in which they’d be anticipated to. If things are in place in order to prevent juveniles from committing crimes, the crime rate will drop, and many people will be saved from entering a world unknown to the world that is prison. Stopping juveniles from committing crimes would maybe them cause adults to not commit crimes as well, since in essence, these juveniles will indeed one day be adults. By implementing laws, states and law makers understand that there will always be people that don’t follow them. By stating programs, allowing juveniles a place to reconcile with small mistakes they make, or creating a safe-place where they can seek help from
Although minor school infractions such as chewing gum or talking in class can be a nuisance that led to small disciplinary actions. However, these infractions soon begin to expand throughout other areas of control. According to Eisenbraun, (2007), gang violence, theft, and assault
Imagine a world where there is no standard state-set curfew on every single teenager. Doesn’t that sound like the world we live in? Even though we have a state curfew, barely anyone even acknowledges it. It’s not like you hear about crimes committed by teenagers every single night because they were out past their curfew. That’s because most of us have parents. And most of them care. The government, however, chooses to disregard the fact that we have parents/legal guardians, and that it’s their job to set such rules for us.
Multiple cities across the country have set curfews for teenagers, making it illegal for teenagers to be on the streets past a given hour. Teenagers are seen breaking the curfew laws in these cities, but many have an adequate excuse as to why they are doing so. I play travel volleyball and my practices go until ten o'clock pm and I do not arrive home until sometimes eleven o'clock pm, this would mean I would be out on the streets illegally if this curfew was set. Setting curfews for teenagers would interfere with after school activities, teen working hours and school assignments. After school activities are a large part of many teenagers' lives, such activities include both school and club sports, clubs, hobbies, etc. Curfews would limit the
Strict rules create rebellious teens. Many people think that curfews are a fundamental way to keeping teens out of trouble, but this is not the case. Curfews are neither applicable, justified, nor are they a way to diminish criminal activities committed by adolescents. Curfews are ultimately useless because there are too many reasons that contradict why a curfew would work.
Sutphen, Richard D., and Janet Ford. “The Effectiveness And Enforcement of A Teen Curfew Law.” Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare 28.1 (2001): 55. Academic Search Complete. 20 Mar. 2012.
There is some debate on whether curfews keep teenagers out of trouble. A curfew is defined as a law or regulation that requires a person or group of people must stay indoors for a designated time, usually through the night. Curfews usually apply to teenagers and are there to help keep them out of trouble and keep them safe. City regulations have different views on curfew times and age groups. For example, a 13 year old will need to go indoors earlier than a 17 year old. Usually a curfew is set at about 11 p.m., but can also be set for in the daytime. In consideration of having a curfew for teenagers, the crime rate has greatly decreased.
As an old saying goes “parenting does not come with a guide book”. Most parents fear and will agree that adolescence is the age when the kids are the most difficult to handle. It is the age in which the child is experiencing a transitional stage. The child is experiencing physical changes and psychological human development that brings a desire to try to connect to the world. It is the age when the child starts to become more independent and starts to think he/she knows it all, and that is when problems arise. In this report I will analyze the positive and negative impact of curfews on teens. I will make a comparison and draw a conclusion to answer the question if curfews help to keep teens out trouble.
In today’s society, some parents create curfews for their children while others allow their children to create their own curfews. Numerous people argue that setting curfews for teenagers help them refrain from taking part in mischief and help them to develop into superior adults. The remaining group of people state that curfews would make teenagers rebel. Teenage curfews produce many different positive and negative views in parents and teenagers. Different opinions on curfews are expressed through parents, teenagers, and mayors; and there are numerous reasons for people not supporting curfews.
Curfew is the time at which you should be back home and safe. Most High Schooler’s will argue that “it’s stupid” and “I won’t get in trouble anyways”. Curfew for High Schooler’s and younger children is an excellent idea because it keeps students in line and out of possible trouble. If curfew was enforced it would eventually help kids be more responsible and trust worthy. Although some might think otherwise, High Schooler's are irresponsible and can not be trusted enough to not have a curfew.
Crime is a plague that has haunted American citizens for centuries. The severity of crime has ranged from running a red light to cold blooded murder. Statistics indicate that crime rates have been on the rise in the previous decades, especially juvenile crime. Statistics show that, ‘the number of youths aged 14 and younger who have been charged with homicide has jumped by 43 percent in the past twenty years’ (Kids With No Hope, No Fear, No Rules, And No Life, 2). This increase in juvenile crime has struck a chord of fear in many people . Motivated by this fear our society has to come up with a solution to this impending problem. While several suggestions have been offered, crime prevention is the most logical, effective and beneficial solution.
In today’s society, some parents create curfews for their children while others allow their children to create their own curfews. Numerous people argue that setting curfews for teenagers help them refrain from taking part in mischief and help them to develop into superior adults. The remaining group of people state that curfews would make teenagers rebel. Teenage curfews produce different positive but many negative views in parents and teenagers.