Reality Essay: Real, Reality, And Reality

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Each day, people wake up in their beds to find things exactly as they left it. The sky's still blue, the leaves are still green, and the pile of dirty laundry still sits at the bottom of their bed. This world of known qualities, filled with objects we consider to be real, is often referred to as reality. A simplistic definition of the word reality would be “the state or quality of having existence or substance” (Definition). But what exactly does this mean? For example, a world where everything that must be felt, seen, tasted, or heard in order to be considered “real”, does not account for the molecules that dance under our nose or the germs on our fingers. Therefore, when one takes a closer examination of the meanings of the words real, reality, …show more content…

Thus, in our search to understand that which is intangible, we come to realize that the definitions that we seek are further than meets the eye. For although many may say they understand what is and is not real, they often rely on a surface level of understanding. Yet when the curious seek out a deeper grasp of the words real, surreal, and reality, many would discover that they are, in fact, unsolvable. Thus we will never know the ultimate truth, we only can get closer and closer to …show more content…

“Do We Really Know What's Real? The Most Optimistic Answer Is Maybe.” The Huffington Post,, 3 Aug. 2015, “Definition of Reality in English by Oxford Dictionaries.” Oxford Dictionaries | English, Oxford Dictionaries, Accessed 6 Sep. 2017 Schrodinger, Erwin. What Is Life?: With Mind and Matter and Autobiographical Sketches. Cambridge University Press, 2012. “The Case for Surrealism | The Art Assignment.” PBS Digital Studios, 2017. YouTube,

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