Rapunzel By Jacob And Wilhelm Grimm

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Authors Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were born in the late 1700s. Wrote over 200 classic children stories, including Rapunzel, Cinderella, and Hansel and Gretel. The story Rapunzel, is a story of a child when as a baby, her parents had willingly given her to a Witch. Narrator:Once upon a time lived a Witch and a girl who resided in a tower, hidden a tangle forest.The girl was name Rapunzel, when as a baby, given to Witch as a gift. The child obviously grew to a rare beauty with long golden plaits of hair and freckles, when she she reached the age of 12 the Witch decided to take her to live in a secluded area where no one will find her. The tower was a great column rising in the middle of the woods.When the Witch wish to enter, she would say: …show more content…

With today’s purchases and chores. Narrator:Now mind you it took quite a while for the prince to climb up because he was not that agile. Rapunzel: Oh my this is taking longer than I thought. ( finally the prince climbs up the window) heavens preserve me. The prince blushed and looked down: uhh uhh Hi I heard you singing and was wondering where it was coming from. I best be on my way. Bye. Narrator:The prince left and to Rapunzel’s surprise she liked the prince very much,and the Prince also admired Rapunzel but Rapunzel felt bad because she new she had disobeyed the Witch. The prince continued with his visits and when he got bold he promised her he will help her escape the tower. Narrator:As the weeks flown by, the Witch new there was something different about Rapunzel’s attitude it was if she was cheery and happy. The long chores the Witch gave her, she would do it with gratitude. But it all came to an end when the Witch put two and two together,seeing Rapunzel at the window. Witch: You bad child, I thought I could trust you. You will be punished for this! Narrator:The Witch was so mad she yanked at Rapunzel’s head and took her curls and cut them all off. She then took Rapunzel to a forest to let her die.The Witch then took Rapunzel’s dead hair and tied them unto a window …show more content…

Prince: Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down hair. Witch:Gladly Narrator:At this Rapunzel’s hair came down and the prince pulled himself up only to be surprise to see a hideous face. Witch: So you have come to fetch your dearest darling, well you shall not see her again - Rapunzel is dead. Narrator: Then the Witch took hold of the scissors behind her back and cut the hair that was fastened to the window hook. The prince fell on the nearby bushes where the thorns cut his eyes leaving him blind. For days the prince began wandering in the same forest Rapunzel was in, eating berries to keep alive. But the prince lost all hope. Prince: (Sighs) Rapunzel is dead and I am blind I will lay on this stone and die. At that moment the prince began to hear a faint singing. Prince:Who is that singing ? Narrator: The prince very happy began stumbling toward the other side of the forest were Rapunzel was

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