Ralph Lord Of The Flies Research Paper

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According to Sir William Golding, in the Lord of the Flies, Ralph should be the superior leader of the other boys because in his old English life, parents are the rulers of their lives and the most parental on the island would be Ralph. Ralph shows that he’s the best fit leader when all the boys go and explore the “castle”, because they believe that's where the beast is, “Something deep in Ralph spoke for him. ‘I'm chief. I'll go. Don't argue’” (Golding, 104). Ralph’s a great leader in this situation since he believes that it's his responsibility to go alone and look for the beast, since he’s chief. Therefore Ralph has bravery, and bravery is a trait for a leader since a person with it is not afraid to take risks for a greater reward. Ralph’s proving he has …show more content…

Ralph also gets bossy about the fire since he wants it to stay lit, so to keep it lit he bosses the boys around to get wood and keep the fire going. This leads to prove that Ralph has grit since he never gave up on the fire since he knew he needed it to have a chance of getting off of the island. Ralph’s posses a form of bossy grit in this situation, and he does since he doesn't want to give up till he gets what he wants. Lastly, Piggy shows that Ralph is the best leader when he says “‘Which is better –to be a pack of painted Indians like you are, or to be sensible like Ralph is?’” to the boys in Jack's tribe (164). By saying this Piggy’s telling the boys that Ralph’s mature and knowledgeable, unlike the other boys who are immature savages. Therefore saying Jack should have never become a leader since he became so much of a savage to the extent where he even went as far as to killing Simon and Piggy. Finally, Ralph is the superior leader on the island since he possesses all the qualities of a well rounded leader, unlike the savage

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