Raising the Minimum Age for Driving Motorcycles to Twenty-One

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Raising the Minimum Age for Driving Motorcycles to Twenty-One

In this essay I will discuss whether it would be better for society

and for the motorcyclist if the minimum age for driving would be

raised to 21 years. I will discuss the monetary and non-monetary

benefits, the private costs and benefits and the social costs and

benefits. I will also discuss and explain rationality and


Rationality is making a well thought through decision weighing all

factors involved. In this case some of the rational decisions that

need to be made are if you want to buy new gear or used. This will of

course make a huge difference when you talk about the price. Another

rational decision you need to make is how often you want to use and

what you want to use it for. This will help you to decide what sort of

gear and motorcycle would best suit you.

Maximization is a secure optimal solution. An example of this is how

often you want to use and what you want to use it for. This will help

you to decide what sort of gear and motorcycle would best suit you.

Depending on what you want to use your motorcycle for you will be able

to make the optimal decision regarding the equipment you choose to


The private costs of riding a motorcycle are helmets, leather

clothing, protection, gas and insurance. A new helmet costs about 150

euros. The price range is everywhere from 50 euros to 500 depending on

the type of helmet you prefer. The leather clothing that you will need

when you are riding a motorcycle can cost anywhere from 150 to 1000

euros. The average, new, one piece leather suit however costs about

500 euros. The protection that you need when riding a motorcycle is a

back protector and knee guards. A back protector can cost anywhere

from 20 to 120 euros. The average back protector costs approximately

70 euros. The knee protectors can vary from about 10 euros to 60 and

the average knee protector costs 30 euros.

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