Raising Minimum Wage Essay

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Raising the minimum wage will improve the overall living conditions/standards for minimum wage workers. For someone working under minimum wage income, they need to work twice as many hours than higher payed counterparts for items needed for life. Having to work double to afford certain things such as rent, utility bills, and other items that are essential for life. In working a regular 40-hour week, a minimum wage worker does not have the ability to pay for a two-bedroom apartment or food without requiring some form of government assistance such as “food stamps”. Many would be pushed past the poverty line with not having to worry on how they are going to be able to afford items that they need. With so many that will be taken out of the line …show more content…

That remains a tough feat for businesses and bosses to keep their employees motivated to want to come together as a unit. Keeping workers in a job when they believe they are not being adequately payed for their services leads to high employee turnover. In believing that the job that they are getting paid to do is not getting them out of the financial burden that most minimum wage workers go through. Raising the minimum wage leads workers to be more productive in the services that they do and reduce the employee turnover rate. When productivity is at its all-time best, the consumers/customers will have a higher chance for customer satisfaction. With higher wages employees will be more inclined to want to stay at the company they work for boosting team morale and reducing the employee turnover rate. In keeping the employees that they have happy and paid leaves them not to have to hire and train new employees that ultimately cost so cutting out the low pay leads to a better work environment. Raising the minimum wage leaves the employees with a better look and it benefits the employers in reduced turnover rates and higher customer

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