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History of racism of aboriginal peoples in australia
Persuasive piece about racism in australia
History of racism of aboriginal peoples in australia
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Racism is defined as a belief that inherent differences among the various human racial groups that determine the cultural or individual achievements. Prejudice or discrimination or even antagonism directed against the Aborigines always can be seen in Australia. Since then, Australia has been rated “One of the most racist” country besides America in the world, especially to the locals, the Aborigines. This report is going to critically analyse this research which is done by David Mellor, and also to outline the methodologies and samples that are used in this research, also the other racism issues Australia.
The Research Racism is pervasive in Australia. The purpose of David Mellor undergoes this research is to investigate the phenomenon of racism on the Aborigines in Australia. The Koori people in New South Wales and Victoria are the main consults of this research. This research is completed by David Mellor using qualitative method. Qualitative research means primarily exploratory research by collecting samples of data from a group of Koori, approximately 40 people (age of the participants ranged from 18 to 58 years old), who had experienced racism. It helps to gain an understanding on the reasons and opinions on racism.
The participants are also recruited by the snowball sampling. Snowball
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The research clearly showed how the Aborigines got racism in their life without doing anything. This reflects how the white communities in Australia strongly discriminant the Aborigines. The research is also clearly showed how the Aborigines get different categories of racism. For instance, there are 4 stages of racism derived from the data is verbal racism. First is the verbal racism, then behaviour racism, discriminations and lastly it goes to macro-level racism. The researcher also divided the categories of racism into subtopics which can articulate how Aborigines experienced
In 1901, the same year Australia was federated, the Commonwealth constitution stated that “Aboriginal natives votes shall not be counted” and thus placing them into the flora and fauna section and introducing the white Australian policy (Korff, 2011). David Unaipon was just 29 years old when this occurred (Gizmodo, 2004). While Unaipon was alive there were many instances of institutionalised racism that further widened the gap between aborigines and Caucasians (Gizmodo, 2004). In 1926, when Unaipon was 54 years old 11 aborigines were murdered, however when the criminal was caught, they were let free (Korff, 2011). This shows that aborigines were being discriminated against throughout Unaipon’s life with many laws targeted against them and many legal options being taken away from them. It was only in 1967 that the indigenous were given basic rights, and were included in the Australian census and fully classed as a “person” and recognised for this (Korff, 2011). Sadly, this was held 109 days after Unaipon died and proves that he had to endure racism during the entirety of his life. It is evident through these examples that racism played a major role in why David Unaipon’s ability was not used in science and this is seen through the institutionalised racism present during Unaipon’s life.
The idea that indigenous Australian communities are underprivileged and do not receive the same justice that the white community accrues is represented through Jay Swan and his interactions with the corrupt white police officers and the indigenous locals of the town. My empathetic response to the text as a whole was influenced directly by way the text constructs these ideas as well as my knowledge of the way indigenous Australians are represented in the mainstream media and the behaviour of the police force as an institution. These contextual factors and the way Sen has constructed ideas influenced me to empathise with the indigenous
Over the years Australia has had many different problems with racism and racism affecting peoples’ lives. Many racial groups have been affected, most significantly the Aboriginals. The end of world war two in 1945 marked a huge change in types of racism. Australia went from the ‘superior’ white Australians dominating over immigrants and aboriginals. To a relatively multicultural and accepting society that is present today.
...ndigenous recognition and the removal of racist remarks has been an on-going theme for a vast majority of time. The necessity of Constitutional reform to close the gap on cultural divide as well as support the on-going concept of reconciliation is essential in ensuring Australia continues to improve and nurture its relationship with Indigenous peoples. The process of amendment through referendum has proven to be problematic in the past, with the success rate exceptionally low. Though with key factors such as bi-partisan support, widespread public knowledge and correct management, the alteration to remove racial discrimination and provide recognition for Indigenous persons within the Constitution is highly achievable. If proposed and eventually passed, this will provide assistance in eliminating many of the cultural gaps Indigenous persons face throughout society.
Throughout the world, in history and in present day, injustice has affected all of us. Whether it is racial, sexist, discriminatory, being left disadvantaged or worse, injustice surrounds us. Australia is a country that has been plagued by injustice since the day our British ancestors first set foot on Australian soil and claimed the land as theirs. We’ve killed off many of the Indigenous Aboriginal people, and also took Aboriginal children away from their families; this is known as the stolen generation. On the day Australia became a federation in 1901, the first Prime Minister of Australia, Edmund Barton, created the White Australia Policy. This only let people of white skin colour migrate to the country. Even though Australia was the first country to let women vote, women didn’t stand in Parliament until 1943 as many of us didn’t support female candidates, this was 40 years after they passed the law in Australian Parliament for women to stand in elections. After the events of World War Two, we have made an effort to make a stop to these issues here in Australia.
After the release of Rabbit Proof Fence, many `politically right' white Australians tried to promote that the film was based on myth and misunderstanding but in facet is not as the film itself promotes the openness of racism. Racism was not only a problem is Australia but throughout the world and is continuing to stay a problem, even in our own backyard. The racism between the white Australians and the Aborigines is quite similar to the racism shown in schools and even in parliament here in New Zealand between the Maori and Europeans, or once again between the `white' and the `black'.
From the research I made I was able to understand many ways on how racism is portrayed through different elements in the world. According to the article of Black-White Differences in Health and Mortality by Robert
The reason for this report was to explain the steps that were taken to create and implement this action plan and the outcomes. My three actions were established to help carry out my vision of bringing together the two sides by creating equality and harmony. First I wanted to create a better understanding of Aboriginal history, culture and their people within my family and friendship groups. I tackled this by talking not only in-person but also over social media about the past struggles of Aboriginal people and reduce the stigma and misconceptions that surround Aboriginal people. The second action was to restore trust between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians by involving friends and family in public and activities and events that are related to learning more about what gaps need closing and coming together. My third action plan was to eradicate racism and as a way to contribute to this cause long term, I signed up to be a Constitutional Recognition Campaigner through ANTAR. As this campaign is about changing the Australian constitution to include Aboriginal people and also to remove sections that have to power to stop Aboriginal people from voting and sections that give the Australian governmen...
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders have some of the worst health outcomes in comparison to any other indigenous community in the world (AIHW, 2011). According to United Nations official Anand Grover, Aboriginal health conditions are even worse than some Third World countries (Arup & Sharp, 2009), which is astonishing, considering Australia is one of the worlds wealthiest countries. Thoroughly identifying the causes and analysing every aspect behind poor health of indigenous Australians, and Australian health in general, is near impossible due to the complexity and abundant layers of this issue. Even within the category of social determinants, it is hard to distinguish just one factor, due to so many which interrelate and correspond with each other. The aim of this essay is to firstly identify and analyse components of the social determinants of health that impact the wellbeing of Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, and demonstrate how they overlap with each other. By analysing the inequalities in health of Aboriginal and non-indigenous Australians, positive health interventions will then be addressed. Racism and the consequences it has on Indigenous health and wellbeing will be discussed, followed by an analysis of how and why social class and status is considered a determining factor when studying the health of the Aboriginal population. The issue relating ...
The Aboriginal Education and Training Policy`s (AETP) (NSW DET 2008) main goal is that “Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students will match or better the outcomes of the broader student population” (1.1.2) and includes an explicit focus on developing cultural competencies (NSW DET 2008, p.6). Establishing ‘learning partnerships’ and relationships with Aboriginal communities, including Aboriginal content within the curriculum (NSW BOS 2008, p. 2), and engagement are advocated as necessary elements to achieve this edict. Racism has been proven to be an extremely detreimental factor on all fronts, especially within the education context. To address this intolerance the Anti-Racism Policy (ARP, 2005) is committed to eradicating all forms
http://www.humanrights.gov.au/racial_discrimination/consultations/consultations.html. Martin, B (1981) A sociology of contemporary cultural change, Basil Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, England. McGuire T, Houston S, Rohwedder E, Montague G. (1998) Identifying Aboriginal person care in hospitals and Medicare documentation, Health Department of Western Australia, Perth.
Ever since the foundations of modern Australia were laid; there has been a disparity between the health status of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and rest of the Australian community (Australian human rights commission, n.d.). This essay will discuss how this gap can be traced back to the discriminatory policies enacted by governments towards Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander’s throughout history. Their existing impacts will be examined by considering the social determinants of health. These are the contemporary psycho-social factors which indirectly influence health (Kingsley, Aldous, Townsend, Phillips & Henderson-Wilson, 2009). It will be evaluated how the historic maltreatment of Aboriginal people leads to their existing predicament concerning health.
Cunningham, J. & Paradies, Y.C. 2013, 'Patterns and correlates of self-reported racial discrimination among Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults, 2008-09: analysis of national survey data', International Journal for Equity in Health, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 47-61.
Within all of the texts mentioned, the theme of racism is present, just like in most of today’s societies. All of the researched sources deal with the effects of racism, the foolishness of it and the fact that it still exists in today’s modern and so-called advanced world. No matter how much social attitudes evolve, prejudice, hatred and racism will still exist within aspects of society, whether it be in the heart, in the mind or in the souls of those too ignorant to realize the damaging consequences. While technologically today’s world has advanced, if society cannot overcome issues such as racism and prejudice, it has not evolved at all.
There can be no gainsaying, as to the fact that Australia is not only a choice destination for many, but also houses some of the most beautiful cities in the world (Bastian, 2012). As a matter of fact, Bastian (2012) continues to state that this change is strongly attributed to immigration, which continues to foster strong cultural and economic growth in Australia. As Australia continues to open its borders to an increasingly diverse population, Australians themselves continue to open their minds to accommodate diversity in the form of new lifestyles, foods, traditions, values, beliefs and so forth (Bastian, 2012). According to Henry & Kurzak (2013), the 2011 census show that 26% of Australians were born abroad and 20% have either one or both