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The goal of The Chicano Federation of San Diego County (CSFD) is to create awareness among the college students regarding the negative consequences of racial discrimination and ethnical discrimination prevalent in the society and in the educational institutions. The specific objectives of the The Chicano Federation of San Diego County (CSFD) are provided as follows.
• To create awareness among the college students regarding the negative consequences of racial and ethnic discrimination
• To aware them regarding the human rights, rules of humanity and respect of each and every individual of the society
• To clear the misconceptions hold by the college students regarding specific discriminated classes, races and ethnicities

Awareness regarding racism and its negative consequences
The target audiences of the The Chicano Federation of San Diego County (CSFD) are the college and university students. The college and university students are targeted because they are in the learning process and it has been widely observed that they follow the patterns of the society and learn from them. If something negative is prevalent in the society then it is required that the concerned authorities should take actions to eradicate and control the situation through awareness campaigns. The scenario that will present the message includes the story of a student who belongs to a specific group which is usually discriminated in the society. The drop out students of several schools becomes criminals because of diversion of mind towards other activities such as crime and offense. The poor family conditions and the lacking in the school system are responsible for a criminal juvenile. Schools provide basic education to the child and family provides basic ...

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...ese factors include deterioration in family conditions which is caused by joblessness, lack of education, female headed family units, insufficient housing, health problem, lack of economic improvement and so on.
When the social, educational, financial and health needs of a person are not satisfied through the family then they may be inclined towards criminal activities. There are some other family related factors that affect the behavior of children and they might go for criminal activities. Some of these factors include adaptation of bad parenting practices and styles, neglecting the child, child abuse and trend of criminal behavior in the family which is then learned by the child. It also includes a family history with mental illness, teenage pregnancy, substance use, school dropout and interpersonal conflicts among the family members (Cassel & Bernstein, 2007).

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